Saturday, March 10, 2012


The Republicans cannot stop being negative.  A two year old will most often say no (because it has been a familiar word that is just being understood) even when it means yes.  Through their use of refusal to do the bidding of the adults, they flex their own wings of power.  Of course, the two year old has no awareness of the consequences of trying the power of this  obstructionism.  The Republicans have taken their plan to make Obama a one-term president to a ridiculously destructive-for-the-country degree. They do not have the objective ability to see beyond their own hatred and greed to maintain their selfish behaviors to the detriment of the country any more than the two year old.  The tragedy is that the Republicans are not permitted to play with anyone other than those two year olds, thus they must all behave similarly..

Even the 1% will not be able to function if there are no workers.  I remember when the NY trash collectors had a strike.  It crippled the city so much that one woman resorted to gift wrapping her trash and laying it on the front seat of her unlocked car. Yes, it had been stolen before she returned.  That is what the real America is all about.  Creativity and survival.  Yet, not everyone has those characteristics.  Obama is creative and clearly has survived to date in a rather hostile environment.  He also has the courage of convictions based on caring what happens to his country, unlike the Republicans who will hurt their fellow countryman and the country to satisfy their greedy goal of making Obama a one-term president.

Now there is a new Bill O'Reilly conspiracy theory that the Democrats are leading this current fight against Limbaugh, etc as a way to turn eyes away from the failed decisions of the Obama administration..  Unfortunately for the Republicans, they have stepped in 'deep doo-doo', according the Ed Schultz of MSNBC, with their driven misogynistic actions against women's health (ergo against women which just include their mothers, wives, sisters, and all the women who outnumber them in their lives).

A point to this:  Men are acting  typically..  The militias have grown near 775% in the past few years.  Women are behaving more typically and will show their power at the ballot box among other verbal, non-violent venues.  And maybe even Santorum will learn that sex can be fun and, other than rape, usually is. A child being brought into this world unwanted should not deter the activity.  If 'God' didn't want it to be thus, he would not have allowed man to invent contraceptives, right?

Friday, March 9, 2012


Years ago I realized I live in a 'blivet'. (In traditional U.S. Army slang dating back to the Second World War, a blivet was defined as "ten pounds of manure in a five pound bag" (a proverbial description of anything egregiously ugly or unmanageable); it was applied to an unmanageable situation, a crucial but substandard or damaged tool, or a self-important person)  As time passed the blivet state continues and the rooms seemed to shrink.  I finally realized that it didn't matter that six children left and should have created a vacuum, I still walk through the house as an obstacle course.  Workmen tell me my basement is a fire hazard.  My new rule is:  If I haven't used it in thirty years, it should go (with the exception of the slate topped pool table which is under a lot of it and will come back to life when cleared).

In an epiphany today, I finally understood my problem.  No one else's house is as convenient as mine is for me.  There is are five TVs, 3 ovens and a microwave (should the unlikely urge to cook grip me), a box of tissues is within reach of any surface on which one may sit as well as a wastebasket or two (depending on how far one might have to make an accurate toss) in every room.,  That is only a beginning.  Having worked for most of my life I somehow thought I needed to store stuff because I wouldn't be free to leave to buy at will. So as soon as I finish something, I replace it with a backup and then immediately must replace the used back up. I have two iTouches (in case I lose one or it runs out of battery) and back the addresses up in a regular old fashioned (yes, the write-in kind. I practiced Palmer Method script through grade school), though I hardly take pictures any more I have two digital cameras so as not to get caught without one charged (this does not account for why I am usually caught with only one camera and a dead battery), I have three pairs of glasses and a backup for my electric toothbrush since I assumed it would fail years ago instead of acting like the energizer bunny.

There is enough stuff to start a stationery store, having bought everything I might need sometime.  I could stock a drug store, a library, a small restaurant, and the local bar.  My worst fantasy is that should my home be on a tornado path, I will put my neighbors in jeopardy with all the debris that will fly out of my house.  It is too late to make a New Year's resolution and too late to give up my life style for Lent (though I never felt that urge).  I think, rather than 'wear purple when I am old' I shall just have to leave my surplus behind as revenge to my children for always taking things and never putting them back, forcing me to create 'hidden backups' . (Once when I went on a treasure hunt through the house for a pair of scissors, I found 22 pairs of them, none of them put back where they had formerly lived.)

It is amazing that I have yet to kill these old habits.  Now that I think of it, I don't know anyone who left this life with a clean house and completely organized life.  Never having striven to be a first at anything, I think I'll go read a book and solve this later.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Even as a child, eons ago, I was not particularly interested in pen pals at a distance.  The conversations were much like those addicted to short wave radio communications: "What's the weather like there?", "What equipment are you using?", at which point the conversation was over.  In today's world, the new waste of time is Facebook.  Social Networking has its place as a convenient way to communicate with lots of people and share (believe it or not, more than what they are currently doing like cooking supper or getting ready to shower), but it has other time drawbacks as well.

Today I decided to check out the list of people Facebook thought I might want to know, simply because it steals the names from the accounts of everyone of my own Facebook 'friends'.  What I learned was that I have a granddaughter who corresponds with everyone she ever knew, and that I really don't care to know the people others know.  The list was as long as the number of plastic bottles we would save if we drank well water.

In slightly less than two hours (as I multi-tasked to keep from barfing on the monitor which would not be a pleasant clean-up) I was through the thousands of people on the list whom I don't know and don't care to know.  I'm reminded me of the advice I was given once,' when it works, leave it alone and stop trying to improve it.'.  I'm not sure but Google+ might be an improvement...I'm somewhat loathe to add it to the daily grind.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It amazes me, with all the need for money and help among the poor, MSNBC called out all its big guns for several hours to pretend they knew which way the political wind is blowing.  Newt Gingrich did win his home state but has won little else.  Romney took a few more states but lost Tennessee to Santorum.  Tennessee was going to be, hopefully, Romney's entrance to the South.  It is not to be.

To the sound of many cheers, Callista Gingrich introduced her husband at his victory speech as "former speaker of the House and the next President, N-e-e-w-w-t Gingrich!" . It reminded me of Ed McMann with "Here's Johnny!"   Of course we know that each candidate is introduced as the next president and, obviously,. only one can make it.  If there is a higher power looking over it all, I say to it, "Okay, enough of the joke.  Be serious and let the average people get a taste of what America was supposed to be before it got taken over by the Grinch.

His speech was boring as he, the historian,  went step by step through the entire months of campaign and all the corpses left behind.  He commented that Santorum won Oklahoma and Tennessee, the two states no one else bothered to campaign in.  Gingrich also commented on 'every effort the establishment made to stop us',  He thanked his people for having thwarted that effort.

The same lies get passed around as someone else's 'truth'.  Santorum's  victory speech, (either for Oklahoma or Tennessee), was as full of untruths as it usually is.  Having fathered enough children to start a small country of his own, they were all surrounding him. 

When Romney came to speak, he promised the world and everything in it to his supporters.  While talking budget, he listed enough expenditures and tax savings to quickly show any intelligent person that it is impossible math he is doing.  He promised to work on saving their jobs but not his own.  He promises tax cuts to everyone and, if fools believe him and vote him in, only then will they understand the empty promises. He is full of easily expressed plans, none of which he, in fact, describes as to how they work in practice even if he can get the House and Senate to approve them.

Finding it all depressing I made myself feel better with the conviction that the black and white man is the one who wears the true white hat and has delivered more in Presidency than McConnell is happy about..

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Rush Limbaugh 'apologized', "sincerely" today though most commentators would not have considered what he had to say as any believable apology since he never touched or commented on the real issues that have bothered those angry at him.  Limbaugh has somehow set himself up within the Republican party as someone to be feared.  Some have called him the leader of the party.  Indeed, he was extremely influential in the 90s in getting Republicans into the Legislature but it does not seem as though he has been helpful relative to choosing a candidate for the presidency.  Al Franken wrote a wonderful book, well worth reading at the time though it may seem outdated today....perhaps not.  I read it a few years ago.

Actually, near 20 years ago, someone wrote a book with what Rush said on the left hand page and what the truth was, cited sources, on the right hand page.  He is full of untruths, full of insults many of which would probably fulfill the requirements for a slander suit if people wished to pursue.  E. J. Dionne pointed out that many men, fathers of daughters, found his attack on Sandra Fluke unacceptable, imagining what they would feel like if it were their daughters being spoken of like that to his 12 million listeners. Dionne talked about the G.O.P. 
missing the primary issue.  The fact that the Republicans put so much faith (or is it fear) in Limbaugh has allowed them to totally drop the ball on what the electorate wants from them.

Here we are, in 2012, with our leaders trying to get pledges of chastity, fidelity,, and virginity rather than working on getting middle class people back to work so they can feed their families and educate the next generation who need skills and training. Hopefully Rush Limbaugh has finally ceased to serve his evil purpose.  He messed with a much larger, and more energetic group who comes attached with parents who will support them to not tolerate this country being brought down as far as Rush Limbaugh brought it for millions.

Monday, March 5, 2012


A commentator on CNN claimed that Democrats were equal to Limbaugh for  things they have said and cited Ed Schultz last year.  Schultz called Laura Ingram a talk slut.  once again, the media seems not to make the proper differentiation while attempting to exonerate Rush for his unacceptable slander.

Rush excused himself by saying he is an entertainer.  Perhaps he feels slandered when he is referred to as the 'drugster'.  The glaring difference is that he did/does use drugs whereas Ms Fluke did not ask for him or others to pay for her having sex.  Apparently some of the large media outlets do not do their fact checking well enough or do not have the intelligence to really interpret what they see and hear.  That should give journalists failing reports if they cannot place a valence on the truth as compared to fantasy.

It sounds, if one can believe the TV reports, that Rush has lost 6 sponsors.  If the people who give the station large amounts for the drivel he spews is smart, there will be more withdrawing.  As Rush was quick to say, we should not have to pay for someone wanting sex, we (by supporting his sponsors, should not have to pay for his distortions, lies, and divisiveness.  There are many more rabble-rousers on the networks.  They may have to learn another way to cheat the ignorance of the public

After four days of progressively escalating insults, sponsor withdrawal, or whatever, Rush finally apologized.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Just a year ago, a little girl was born.  I'd forgotten just how much energy this tiny being is capable of producing.  She walks, dances, and runs constantly between the few hours spent sleeping.  She is loving and with the openness of one who has not been taught to distrust, hate, discriminate, or otherwise see the world as a toxic environment.  Born to parents who planned for her birth (yes, using contraceptives until they were ready to have a family), she was wanted, well fed, protected, and enabled to develop with all the tools available for her comfort, stimulation, good nourishment and with aids for the development of her mind and body

This child is unaware of the cruelty in her world. She was not born to abject poverty, her parents were not selfish, substance abusers, nor even nice people out of work. She is growing to be a friendly, confident, bright child.  Had she lived in Africa. she likely would not have made it this far.

In 1994, Kevin Carter won a Pulitzer prize for this picture of what awaits babies born where the economy, food supply, nourishment, parental care, supply of love and tactile contact when it counts, is lacking..

Should we really allow the Republicans to make our infants equal in life's chances as they are in third world countries?  Shouldn't bringing a life into the world mean quality of life and not just a heart beat with breath, illness, suffering, and starvation until death before a year old?