Saturday, June 13, 2009


Guests often do strange things if you tell them to make themselves 'at home'. If you've been to their home, keep the picture in your mind. It makes my teeth grate when they do not shut the winter wasting expensive gas the summer wasting central air conditioning. It also brings in flies and bugs and I am vehement that nothing lives in my house that is uninvited or not paying rent.

When people treat my bathrooms as they would a motel, leaving toilet seats up and dropping soaking wet towels on the floor, I find this insensitive, especially since they are less than three feet from a hamper and know there are women in the house.

The offer to help when refused should be be respected; I would like my refusal to be heard as an order, not a suggestion. I have lost too many expensive or difficult to replace pieces of silverware and small kitchen tools down the disposal by 'helpful guests'. Too many of my thin-lipped, slim-stemmed crystal have been broken. I keep thin-lipped crystal because the heavy stuff makes me drool as I do after Novocaine. Typical Martini glasses, wide perimeter, shallow bowl, stemmed, are a disaster. Because I tend to move quickly, the Martini tends to hit me on each ear before my palate gets to taste.

I'm not sure whether it is a new trend in our every changing society, but I also do not appreciate flatulent guests who don't bother to leave the room or even indicate that they didn't fully intend to gift me with an odoriferous zephyr and not even a, "Pardon me!"

And last, it would be nice if people respected boundaries. I once had overnight guests who arose in the morning before I did and cheerily announced that they had taken the liberty to tour the house. Since it was 'a fait accomplis' there was little I could do, though they weren't invited back.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Robots are developing new skills for human convenience (that is if anyone can consider the maintenance involved with new technologies convenient). There are even dancing robots though I doubt they will put anyone out of business in the performing arts. The are perfectly as coordinated as the Thunderbirds though they are unattractively walking as though they are all have a sore or tender crotch. Fortunately,. or unfortunately and

There are Robot of the Year Awards. 2007 saw this one.

A Japanese child robot mimics infant learning. As good as it was, it never tempted me for a second to tie myself to another human again. It is nice to see how quickly after the dog from Sony showed he could kick a soft ball across a room, a Robot has been taught to do playing hockey. So many functions are being duplicated so quickly. Self- locomotion will get to be a thing of the past. Everyone will go about (at all ages) trying to make life work. All physical tasks shall be done by robots to free humans to go work to perspire considerably at expensive gyms.


The New York Times is seeking a buyer to bid for the Boston Globe. As automobiles phased out the local blacksmith, so is progress and the Internet phasing out the printed newspaper. The breakfast habit of coffee and time to read the paper; reading the paper on the train ride to work; quietly kicking your shoes off and sitting in an easy chair with a pipe in your mouth and a dog at your feet while your wife cooks supper....these have become memories for most.

If circulation numbers are of interest in the top 100 newspapers, check here.

In my own unscientific poll, I asked friends why they still read newspapers. It seems that most do it out of habit. Some find change difficult and others reacting to the assault of constant change hold onto those things which are still there for them. Some don't like to sit at a computer or one is not available to them. Occasionally some have said they like the features that are not available on line, though classifieds, ads and obits were never my reasons for reading one. I've discovered that when I miss the death of someone I am interested in, someone will tell me. If I am not told, the person still remains dead and probably never learns that I hadn't heard.

If there ever was a day in which newspapers were there to give people the news. that day has passed. Now they are money making machines who, like many others, have stopped making a profit and are suffering death throes because the original reason for their existence has been lost. News is rarely accurate nor reported on, but opined. Local news is not enough for most of us any longer...the Internet has shown us that there is a huge world more interest than our town out there.

Today, you don't have to buy a paper, you buy a hand held invention that seems a miracle. You can talk to people on a phone, read all the world news as well as local wherever you wish, take pictures on the spot as you see them, send them to your home computer, pick up messages left for you, read your email..type messages, listen to music...about all your hand held can't do is have sex with you. (No, that's the other hand!)

Switching to plastic toothpicks and dropping newspapers might make my world greener.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Massachusetts, in a cost saving measure, now prohibits the DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles)from notifying car owners when their registration or license is up for renewal. Consequently, after my several decades of driving and not having to think about due dates, I was stopped as I took a right turn. I drive an automatic which does not down shift audibly as a manual shift might. As a result, when the blue lights started flashing behind me, I was puzzled as to why I was being stopped. Not once throughout a somewhat lengthy conversation with the officer was there a discussion about failure to stop at a stop sign.

I had pulled out my license (in the same way I pulled out of my memory what I had seen people do in the movies) at which the officer scarcely gave a glance and immediately asked for my registration. I told her I hope she would be patient as I knew it was in my glove compartment but hadn't been asked for it by police in several years, so I had to hunt a bit. I was waiting for her to tell me why I had been stopped since I had no clue. Finally, after she glanced at my registration she pointed out that it was not renewed and had expired several days ago. She insisted I could not drive the car and it would have to be towed. It took seconds for me to realize that the 5/09 on the registration clearly indicated I had not renewed it but that I would I have to be towed truly shocked me.

She then asked where I was heading and I told her the name of the town, not terribly far away. She said I could not go there but she would allow me to drive home as long as I parked the car in the driveway and did not drive it to the registry to get the renewal. She kept telling me that her information didn't show what was against my registration but it might be an unpaid parking ticket. I told her that couldn't be as I have not had any tickets and rarely park where I could have gotten one and had it blow off (as she suggested may have happened). I don't know how long the police keep driving records, probably no longer than 7 years, but I know I have not had any parking tickets in well over 20 years.

Having thanked her for allowing me to drive home, she then handed me my expired registration and a piece of paper that I thought pertained to that. After she left and I examined the paper, it read that I had failed to stop properly at a stop sign. Having been warned that I might be picked up by another police person who might notice the 5 09 on my plate might not allow me to dive myself home. Finally, I arrived home safely, having pictured a police car hiding at every corner. I tried to keep myself closely between the car before and after me. Naturally, while I normally find myself tail-gated, I was followed all the way by cars keeping a long distance behind me. After my initial rocketing response, I sputtered and mumbled and visualized unkind images about the policewoman until, back home, I found a magnifying glass and studied the paper. Typically, in an almost imperceptible tiny mark,since my copy was the carbon, I realized the kind lady had given me a warning.

Hopefully, by tomorrow afternoon, I will once again be a completely law-abiding citizen again.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Recently I was asked to be on the Board of Directors of an interest group. The group focus is Classic Jazz. It is not a surprise that most of the attendees are senior citizens as are three of the four board members. I am the only woman.

Discussing tasks of board members, one member brought up need for refreshments at meetings. The group which has existed for over 20 years, has not regularly had refreshments served, though some of the individuals who present programs have, in the past, brought a plate of cookies or brownies. Not surprisingly, the cooking task has fallen onto the spouse who usually attends only that meeting. (Many members are not married to spouses who share their same interest in 'mouldy fig' jazz.

Having been in other groups, there has always been a great deal of ambivalence about whether refreshments should be served and by whom. As this was my first board meeting, when it came time to restate the tasks each of us on the board has been assigned, the list ran through what the others are doing. I should mention that I have had a task which I have been fulfilling for several months before I was asked to join the board.

However, one gentleman in our group of four suggested that I wasn't carrying a heavy enough load of tasks and therefore should take on the job of assuring refreshments at every meeting. It took me no time to refuse, which seemed to startle the gentleman who made the suggestion. One of the other members asked him if the reason for which I was being asked is because I am a woman. This question was never answered. A suggestion was made that we poll the attendees as to those who wanted refreshments and those willing to volunteer to bring them. I should mention that recently a widowed, male, board member has been bringing brownies which he has baked. I made the comment that I have been in many groups at which there was discussion of food and even if a man offered, he usually thrust the obligation onto his spouse. Coffee makings and hot water for tea are served, and are set up by our sponsors.

Flashes of all the ways men have tried to get me to take on jobs because I am a female with such remarks as, "Oh, you have such lovely handwriting, why don't you take notes, become secretary, take on correspondence, etc" I'm sure men find it equally annoying to be asked to lift, repair, carry heavy packages, and whatever else we poor 'frail' women want to use them to do for us.

Clearly the genders are equal in many but not all ways. Stereotypes are getting in the way of our expectations and tempers. Genders, unite to make your boundaries clear. Do not let yourselves be type-cast into roles which do not fit for you and make an evening's entertainment unpleasant for you. It can only happen if you speak up and do not let yourself be talked into a job, threatened, or manipulated. There is room for both genders everywhere but in the same Komfort Kastle at the same time.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Jon Stewart and the Daily Show have long since entertained us but, more importantly they have informed by their exposing of hypocrisy and lies. Jon Stewart Calls Fox News Personalities 'Extremists' for Their Coverage of Obama's Cairo Speech Posted by Alex Leo, Huffington Post at 9:02 AM on June 5, 2009.
on Stewart committed a lengthy opening segment to President Obama's speech in the Middle East last night. He explored the expectations of our president at home and abroad, looked a the rhetoric he used both to further the tenuous relationship America has with even its closest allies in the region and the rhetoric he used to ensure that no one thought he was caving on protection for Israel, advancement for women and an end to terror.

Then he got to the funny part: Fox News' crazypants coverage of the same events. The conservative news network had talking heads and anchors alike on air saying Obama buys in to extremism, that he's disingenuous, that he threw the intel community under the bus. Stewart responded to them by saying, "What a torture it must be for such pretty people to see such ugly things."