Saturday, September 24, 2011


Just because one man who was about to be executed, ordered a large meal and then ate nothing, saying he wasn't hungry, all 'last meals' have been cancelled.  That fact, as a way of saving money for more important 'long term' effects did not particularly bother me.  If things have to be cut, let the cuts have a longer lasting effect on the receiver. The illusion of kindness to the person  you are about to murder somehow does not make my pride rise in the justice system that put Troy Davis to death in Georgia though there was no proof he was guilty and maintained his innocence until he died.

It does seem that, in the interest of humanity and kindness, when the economy was good I had no argument about all the TVs, books, and many other ways to entertain and train prisoners to  e their own legal advocates was money well spent.  However. after  few riots in prisons where all the goodies were ruined and 'do-gooders' forced the prisons to replace everything as quickly as possible, my sympathy waned.  

Everything has a context and the current economy is the context in which we are all living in at present. All budgets, everywhere, have to be carefully studied to see that requisitions fit the current priority valences.

Friday, September 23, 2011


It has been my understanding that the judicial process has the onus of proving someone guilty, not that the accused must prove his innocence. Georgia has executed a man about whom no proof has been sure.  To kill a human being under those circumstances makes the USA not above the animal kingdom. Not only was a likely innocent man executed (murdered by the elected and appointed officials, he was killed by an illegal drug, as I have been led to believe.Cilck here for the entire article

I am so ashamed of our country and the Supreme Court for allowing this.  Clearly sin is not punished by the God believed in by the people who backed the execution. One can only be left to guess what goes through their minds.

I'm even more ashamed of the method used.  Not only are the proper drugs for a lethal injection unavailable in the US but Georgia has gone to Europe to buy a drug that is used to put down animals.  Is that a proper respect for any of us as humans.  What would it feel like to be wrongly accused by your country, to spend 22 years in prison, anhd finally be put to sleep when you know you are innocent as an animal would be put down.

Click here for the New York Times statement about this atrocity. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011


The Guardian reports: 

Julian Assange publishers to release autobiography without his consent

Canongate to publish 'unauthorised first draft' of WikiLeaks founder's autobiography it has secretly printed and shipped it without Assange's consent. Hopefully, that written material should not be used in a court of law. without every detail being proved from independent sources.  for
Article, click here.
Hopefully no other author will ever trust Canongate again and use them as a publisher.  They are clearly unethical.
DEMAND PROGRESS writes:  Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) is trying to change the law to retroactively make WikiLeaks illegal. It seems that legalities only count if you claim what you are doing is legal, and in no way is it something that makes sense.  I fail to see how a publisher can publish an unauthorized work given them for review.  I further fail to see how a bill can be passed making something illegal retroactively.  In other words, we didn't tell you it was illegal because it wasn't when you did it but we will tell you, after the fact of our having made it so, that you should have known.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In my head and thoughts, I have probably been an atheist most of my life, though never thought of it as a religion or that is took me out of the baptismal realm which I wore shortly after my birth. My awareness that I could not believe in any of the churches which I had attended started before I ended my first ten years..  I went to a Community Church in the Midwest when my children were young because I thought they needed a foundation in which to believe or to rebel, as they saw fit when they could think about it. I enjoyed the sermons somewhat as I had enjoyed some of my college professors but it did not connect to my early religious church experiences where fasting and communion were a requirement, where the services were conducted in what to me was a foreign language, and where my boredom had me counting men's bald heads and ceiling tiles to be able to continue sitting there..

More recently, as decade after decade passesin my life, I realize that I remain not at all convinced that Man is the highest power in the universe;  nor do I believe that God created Man in 'his' image, nor can I make myself believe in the man-written Bible, Kuran, Talmud or whatever of any religion I have read about.

Many of my friends, which should not come as a surprise, are many for whom I have a great deal of respect as people who live moral and ethical lives and are Atheists.  It has never occurred to me to think too much about my beliefs defining who I am...I just am.  Because the forms I filled out never had a space for' Atheist' until recently, I always defined myself as a member of the faith in which I had been christened as an infant... that of my parents, though I never attended church, prayed, or respected the rituals of the church as soon as I was old enough to begin to question what I was seeing and exposed to...communion, holy water, holy bread, incense making my asthma flare up, and hosts of other impositions to my view of reality.

Today, I read an interesting article in AlterNet: 10 myths about Atheism.  I would not just copy it and cannot and will not claim it as my own, other than that I found it something with which I could relate.  To read this article, click here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Mitch McConnell
It was shocking that a man in McConnell's position would make such a childish remark...that if Warren Buffett thinks he should pay more, why doesn't he?  Does he really believe that the issue is solved by one or two people who earn as Buffett did last year, 46,000,000 million dollars for 2010, paying their fair share of tax?  The man insults most intelligent voters and only points out that he is blind to the country's needs he swore to protect; he has been in power too long and totally changed proper priorities..

Since it has been made very clear that the Republicans will not raise taxes and will resist the Obama jobs bill, Obama has made it clear he will take the issue to the voters directly, if he must. 

Read an article on the clash between Obama and the Republicans on what they are trying to obfuscate the issue of catering to the rich by claiming the Democrats are making 'class warfare'.

"When you pick one area of the economy and you say, we're going to tax those people because most people are not those people, that's class warfare," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on CNN.  Senator Graham, who often makes sense, has his head in the sand if he doesn't see Republican politics are forcing the middle class to become extinct in our country.  Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC calls the whole subject of class warfare a 'bogus debate'., to which I agree. 

Once again, I raise the question of 'treason' if legislators are forced to vote by pledge to Grover Norquist, someone not elected by voters to represent them.  The legislator voted in  has taken an oath to represent the constituency who voted him into office.  He is not voted  to be a proxy for someone outside Congress.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Osama  bin Laden was not alone in trying to destroy our country. The Bush administration kept the country frightened and angry by his use of divisive techniques.  Lives were being lost in a war believed by most of the country to have been built on lies, later proven.

Would a Perry v. Obama Contest Be a Confederacy v. Union Rematch?
was written by Adele M Stan and published in AlterNet.  When one of our states still insists on flying the Confederate flag, we are assure3d that the divide between the North and the South has been fostered by many, shamefully in the name of religion, whose interest is not first in their country.

 A post on divisiveness can be seen by clicking here.

In 1996, the Dornan Roundtable discussed divisiveness. While not a new issue in our country, the past cannot be changed but our future must be focused on current divisiveness as an issue.  We must not be allowed to throw up the welfare of so many of unemployed, below the poverty line of income, ill, and vulnerable people for the greed of the top few in the 1% that is trying to take over control of the country,.,,and currently doing a great job with the help of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor and members influential on the media.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

CNN Money published an article that Bloomberg believes there can well be riots in New York , just as in the UK, Europe, Egypt and other places,as a result of the unemployment rate being so high for those graduating from college with no jobs in their foreseeable future.  While this may be a possibility, I have written many tomes here that my concern is that the many militias who are in the US and have been training and stockpiling weapons will start a Revolution.  Historically, that has been the choice of the downtrodden as we can take the French Revolution as an example.

"I promise to defend and observe the Constitutional liberties embodied in the Bill of Rights for all American citizens by example, persuasion, and force of arms if necessary." � From the oath of office for the Free Militia   To read more, click here 
Written further in their site description is:  "
The Free Militia is a locally organized body of armed American citizens committed to defending their Constitutional liberties. We call it "free" for two reasons. First, it is free or independent from the control of any local, state, or federal government. Second, our whole purpose is to defend our freedoms. So, the Free Militia acts freely to defend freedom.
We also call it a "militia" for two reasons. First, we are a military organization. Our purpose is, if necessary, to defend our liberties by force of arms. Second, we are a militia in the sense that we are composed of private citizens instead of professional soldiers. Hence, the Free Militia is a combat team of private citizens."  Harken the danger; riots would be minor compared to the Militias plans

During the recent Teaparty (Republican?) debates when someone asked Ron Paul what he would do if there were people dying without being able to afford medical care the4 audience responded with as much compassion as the Roman felt for the gladiators.  The loud and general consensus was clearly, "Let them die!"  What has become of the humanity in our country?