Friday, October 19, 2012


When Bill Maher has two Republicans, one with a mouth that won't stop when others are talking, and Bill has three guests talking over one another so nothing can really be heard, it is a bad day.  I look forward to watching Bill Maher because he is free to say what he really thinks with no fear of losing his job.  However, tonight he had Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stones as a guest and allowed these two male idiots talk while they were on the panel and then talk over the guest, as well.  I suppose if Obama was granted a bad night, we might say that Bill Maher is entitled to one but that doesn't seem to truly fit this situation.

Normally Bill Maher has complete control over his panel but these two male lummoxes, one more that the other sitting between his fellow Republican and Goldie Taylor.  Sitting in the middle of the three person panel was Boris Epshteyn is a former McCain/Palin aide and a columnist for US News & World Report. Even on the heels of Mitt Romney's infamous 47% comments, Epshteyn correctly predicted that there was Romney comeback in the making.  The man epitomized the Romney campaign.  Talk over everything with lies and ignore all facts.The third panelist was John Fund is a conservative commentator and the author of Who's Counting? He recently told Newsmax that Obama’s strong performance in Tuesday’s presidential debate won’t affect the "basic momentum" of Romney’s surging popularity.  Goldie Taylor is the Managing Editor of the Goldie Taylor Project and a regular contributor to MSNBC. She appeared on the network this week to discuss Romney’s "binder full of women" comment from the debate.

As is inevitable according to Murphy's Laws, I had an out-of-country guest and said how great Bill Maher was.  She had never seen him.  Today's show was one to make my guest question my sanity for saying the show was a good one.  This one was definitely not good. The first guest was Gary Hirshberg is the Chairman of Stonyfield Farm, founder of the "Just Label It" campaign, and author of Label It Now: What You Need to Know About Genetically Engineered Foods. Last month, profiled Hirshberg’s support of California Proposition 37. The ballot initiative would require the labeling of genetically engineered food and counts Bill Maher among its supporters..  He spoke well, articulately and was extremely informative.  Next came the fiasco of a panel who dominated the sound and made it impossible to hear anything through the voice overs.  By the time Matt Taibbi ( He is a Contributing Editor at Rolling Stone and author of Griftopia. Last week he picked apart the vice presidential debate in his Taibblog.)

So far the Republicans have managed to out yell, out lie, and bully people into believing them in a verbal blitz like the old shell game.  May the 'force' be with us and the election happen soon!.


Clever sayings about old age have been invented consistently over the years.  'Old age is not for sissies" is one of them.  Translated, it tells what all old people know but young people cannot begin to fathom.  It is difficult to be old.  There are also many reasons for that to be true, as well.  The difficulties in being old can not be simply innumerate.  For some it is failing health and consequent limited mobility.  When eyesight fails to meet the standard for an operator's license for a car, the claustrophobia of seniors sets in. The same things that used to be so much fun, are now seeming like the most difficult to survive.

Many friends and family members have died.  When a younger generation sense the difficulty you may have in relating to them, and you don't know how to do so, your social options quickly become limited..  If younger people see you as someone who will be humble about past achievements and wish to be accepted for who you are today.

Most of us know people who are lonely but refuse to go to senior citizens  centers because the people there are old.  Suddenly the definition of old is more vague.  Old is not years of life, it is a mind set influenced by pain, lack of mobility, and often a real slowed down passion.  Watching an32 year old video I converted to a DVD, I was stunned as I watched my one hundred year old father, just over his second heart attack without major surgery, recall songs from his youth in Greece.  His detail and recall of early details as well as current was startling to me; his voice strong and his face unwrinkled.  He seemed the embodiment of the phrase "use it or lose it".

When we speak of old age, the image conjured up for most id that of a wobbly-voiced, wrinkles face persons, who are only interested in themselves.  Number years on earth may be important but is in no way descriptive of a person's life or behaviors.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Romney and Obama duke it out at debate but both manage to stay in ring.  Fox News staff thought that the debate was pretty much a draw.  MSNBC thought Obama won hands down.  Only voting will tell whether the debate made any effect on the ultimate voting pattern.  

Romney seemed tired and confused after a few questions.  He was as vague as always and rarely answered a question or stayed on topic.  He sounded if someone pulled the string and he would parrot what he had been taught to say on a subject, or if he couldn't get close to the subject, any campaign speech which seemed to have drawn interest in other venues.

BBC News wrote that Obama and Romney were in a spiky debate.  To read the article by Judy Sheerin, click here.  The Google capture of the Fox News summary was quite tame as compared to the on TV comments.  Karl Rove thought it was a tie with the possibility that Romney was a little better than President Obama. To read this capture, click here.  Watch the video.

CNN focused on the fact checking, on the spot, but the moderator who proved Romney was not properly advised  on what he said. 

The poll taken quickly after the debate  looked much better as people were speaking with more renewed faith.  To check out MSNBC, click here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Al Jazeera is not constipated as are American journalists with directions for the President on how to handle his debate. While the American Republicans fight to force ultrasound wands up women's uteri they seem to want them barefoot and pregnant a ( or forever celibate? ), many American are deluded to think that the Republicans love women.  The Taliban has less finesse.  They just shoot or kill anyone who tries to change the system as they proclaim it.  Some American states have not openly killed protesters, they are just a tad more subtle.  They are simply taking away medical care, preventive medicine, and early intervention testing.

I'm of little doubt that these Republicans would not even think that they are so little different than the Taliban.  In the Biden/Ryan debate, Ryan said he was against abortion and would try to make it the law of the land, pushing his religious opinions on all the non-Catholics in the country.  He also would try to balance the budget by cutting the budget for education, as well.  It is difficult enough to educate the poor who are often hungry, unmotivated to learn, live in a household where parents are not well educated, and we are missing the teachers who care enough to try to motivate them. Because of the rules by which they must teach and the high number of class participants it is made more individual attention prohibitive.

Adam Ellik, filmmaker,  The Taliban insists that all schools that teach girls close.  Malala Yousafzai dreamed of getting an education.  Malala was shot the other day and is struggling to stay alive with the help of the people who refuse to give in to the Tal;iban.  The United Kingdom has accepted her there for medical care.  It is up to the Pakistani government to do something to get rid of the Taliban. To hear her story by this film, click here.

Monday, October 15, 2012


For some strange reason, there are those who like to ask the question, "Are you better off now with Obama after four years than you were before he came into office?"  Obviously, the number of criteria variables in such a question make any number of responses impossible to understand when lumped as a total 'yes' or 'no'.

Current TV replayed some interesting footage.  They had Michael Moore's film on Wall St., and some wonderful discussions on the Goldman Sachs group, the Wall St. bailout, and the vile mob composed of people like Bob Rubin, former treasury secretary  Henry Paulson, also a former Secretary of the Treasury and former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Lawrence Summers., also a former Secretary of the Treasury and later President of Harvard.

I missed the name of the person who was discussing the men who brought us down through Wall St and how they have taken control of so much of the total income in the country.  Geithner was referred continually as someone who never achieved anything, but as is customary at that level of playing field, he kept getting promoted up as the only way to get him out while saving face for the rest who hired him and wanted him out.

We have the Republicans who have promised Grover Norquist not to take anything away from the richest 1%.  We have the Romney-Ryan ticket talking about getting rid of programs that they feel unworthy of their current expenditures, like Planned Parenthood, PBS, early intervention programs, so that the poor can only become poorer.  Their greed is for the moment.  They talk about family but their management will leave nothing for their children, though in Romney's case that is not a problem in that he started his five sons off with 100 million dollars each

It does make one wonder whether the ghost of Osama bin Laden isn't laughing somewhere that his promise to being the United States to economic failure is still working, even after his death.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


After the Biden/Ryan debate, the tweeters got to work.  Twitter came alive and the BBC captured enough to make your head spin.  I could not do this justice by writing solely my opinions.

You  must read their article on this.  Click here.  Now you can well understand why the undecided can't make up their minds if the rely on several few sources.  I suppose it is easier for Republicans to just follow Fox News and Rush Limbaugh...hassle free since they get few truths and wouldn't follow Fox if they didn't already know the lies they want confirmed.  I had a Jehovah's Witness tell me the other day that Evolution is only a theory.  Akin thinks that women have a secret something in their vaginas that turns toxic to a rapist's sperm,  Listen long enough and there is nothing you won't hear.  You can find the kind of truth that Bernie Madoff sold all over this campaign.  Fact checkers no longer trust one another.