Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Al Jazeera is not constipated as are American journalists with directions for the President on how to handle his debate. While the American Republicans fight to force ultrasound wands up women's uteri they seem to want them barefoot and pregnant a ( or forever celibate? ), many American are deluded to think that the Republicans love women.  The Taliban has less finesse.  They just shoot or kill anyone who tries to change the system as they proclaim it.  Some American states have not openly killed protesters, they are just a tad more subtle.  They are simply taking away medical care, preventive medicine, and early intervention testing.

I'm of little doubt that these Republicans would not even think that they are so little different than the Taliban.  In the Biden/Ryan debate, Ryan said he was against abortion and would try to make it the law of the land, pushing his religious opinions on all the non-Catholics in the country.  He also would try to balance the budget by cutting the budget for education, as well.  It is difficult enough to educate the poor who are often hungry, unmotivated to learn, live in a household where parents are not well educated, and we are missing the teachers who care enough to try to motivate them. Because of the rules by which they must teach and the high number of class participants it is made more individual attention prohibitive.

Adam Ellik, filmmaker,  The Taliban insists that all schools that teach girls close.  Malala Yousafzai dreamed of getting an education.  Malala was shot the other day and is struggling to stay alive with the help of the people who refuse to give in to the Tal;iban.  The United Kingdom has accepted her there for medical care.  It is up to the Pakistani government to do something to get rid of the Taliban. To hear her story by this film, click here.

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