Monday, October 15, 2012


For some strange reason, there are those who like to ask the question, "Are you better off now with Obama after four years than you were before he came into office?"  Obviously, the number of criteria variables in such a question make any number of responses impossible to understand when lumped as a total 'yes' or 'no'.

Current TV replayed some interesting footage.  They had Michael Moore's film on Wall St., and some wonderful discussions on the Goldman Sachs group, the Wall St. bailout, and the vile mob composed of people like Bob Rubin, former treasury secretary  Henry Paulson, also a former Secretary of the Treasury and former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Lawrence Summers., also a former Secretary of the Treasury and later President of Harvard.

I missed the name of the person who was discussing the men who brought us down through Wall St and how they have taken control of so much of the total income in the country.  Geithner was referred continually as someone who never achieved anything, but as is customary at that level of playing field, he kept getting promoted up as the only way to get him out while saving face for the rest who hired him and wanted him out.

We have the Republicans who have promised Grover Norquist not to take anything away from the richest 1%.  We have the Romney-Ryan ticket talking about getting rid of programs that they feel unworthy of their current expenditures, like Planned Parenthood, PBS, early intervention programs, so that the poor can only become poorer.  Their greed is for the moment.  They talk about family but their management will leave nothing for their children, though in Romney's case that is not a problem in that he started his five sons off with 100 million dollars each

It does make one wonder whether the ghost of Osama bin Laden isn't laughing somewhere that his promise to being the United States to economic failure is still working, even after his death.

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