Saturday, November 10, 2012


For several months we have heard nothing from mainstream media other than the campaign.  We heard too mnay guess as to who will do what to whom and only Nate Silver got it right.  We suffered through poll results that were clearly not well done, for the most part, and only became confuse.  Now the media tells us what should have been done.  The Republicans won't hear that their platform was at fault and that the majority of people aren't interested in their restrictive, hateful views.  Those who are now out of jobs want to have us continue to think it is all about how they do their work and not that the country can see who the better candidate is even if less money was spent to support him.

To see the 'real' Obama, click here and watch.  It is amazing how the media loves tears.  Google has several choices for hearing this speech but on some of his other speeches.

Friday, November 9, 2012


President Obama says voting in the United States needs to be fixed.  There was $390,000,000 spent to win the election for Republicans.  Even with attempts to suppress voting, they failed and Republicans had a very wide loss.  I can't stop thinking about what all that money would have done to help bright young people get to reach their potential and be trained to do great things for our future; fund research to help our medical futures; or think of it applied to repair the failing bridges.

I'm not sorry to have seen the money leave the pockets of the greedy wealthy who would rather lose it in this gamble than pay taxes to help the country.  Well, the people who made up the ads will pay taxes on their income, hopefully.  All who worked on the campaign as paid employees will pay taxes, hopefully.  In fact, the great expenditure must have helped the economy somewhat.  However, those who paid $50,000 for dinner cannot be particularly happy today.

Karl Rove is squirming.  He is trying to explain his failure.  He says organizations like Crossroads is necessary to fight the among of money President Obama had to spend in the first two months to demonize Romney.  Of course, if Romney was being demonized it was because the truth was being told about him, unlike the many lies Rove had to supply to try to demonize the President.  Robert Reich calls those who gave big money to 'invest' (not donate) to keep taxes low and get other benefits they may not receive now. I can't believe that anyone who gave out those amounts will really miss it, unlike the middle and poor class who sent small amounts to the President's campaign   The Re[publican big spenders/gamblers spent for greed, hoping for results that would not work well for anyone but them.  Those who contributed to President Obama were hoping for our democracy to function again and to have a more level playing field.  They made their point and the fact that there are more of them than the top 1% with the money not with the many other groups insulted and threatened by the Republican platform.

What will it take for people to see that it should not be a game of who can get together a group to fake the public out to vote for a poor candidate, but rather, a team who will support a candidate who has the best goals for the people and has shown it?

Thursday, November 8, 2012


-speaking of women, Rush Limbaugh: "I suppose they will all want free contraceptives now."
-some Swiss cheese brained blond pro-lifer  "They will just have to push pro-life harder next election."
-from John Boehneer:   "We need to focus on a serious process: substance, not theatrics"
-from John Boehner:  "Mr. President, we want you to lead."
-Ted Nugent: "Pimps. whores, & welfare brats & their soulless supporters have a President to destroy America."
-An Armageddon response to the election
-Bill O'Reilly:  "The white majority is now the white minority.  They want things and who is going to give them things?"
-and from an unknown man who needs sanity and a shave:  "Four things you will need to survive four years with Barack Obama:  Food, ammunition, guns and bibles."

We hear from the crazies, the sore losers, the doom and gloom speakers, and those who think they are better equipped to run the country.  Fortunately, there are more who voted for President Obama, so we will be able to here some positive views, as well..  There is light at the end of this tunnel.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


     It amazes me at how many people hate Obama.  I do not understand it when they are from the middle and poorer classes.  It is certainly, to me, like 'biting your nose to spite your face'.  Did Grover Norquist make Romney feel so sure that he would be voted in because the Conservatives would see to way or another?  Did he really feel that he could say whatever he wanted to lie about and that it would not be seen as insulting and condescending to reasonably intelligent citizens.
     Waiting this evening for votes to come in, the first real hoorah for me came when I heard that Elizabeth Warren beat Scott Brown.  Imagine, a real person beat a phony.  Perhaps there is justice, after all, somewhere.  Another real happy announcement was that Sherrod Brown won in Ohio, regardless of the millions poured into the campaign against him.  There were many dollars that poured in for other states for him, giving witness that some people are left who can see and effect the whole picture rather than petty grievances like skin color or made-up lies against someone.
      I truly wish I was a bigger person than I am (not in size but in character).  I was so sheered as I saw the 'bad guys' lose and the 'good guys' win.  I'm speaking of people like Claire McCaskill  who won over Todd Aikin.  Maybe the science committee without him will actually move into the 21st C.  The other lemon on the committee is Mourdock.  Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin will be the first openly gay Senator.  Sen. Aikin's concession speech is that he believes everything comes from God, not government.  My flesh crawled as I listened to him and was most relived this bigot was not to return to Washington in any way to 'represent me'.
     Tim Kaine beat George Allen in Virginia, again with not a trace of disappointment to be found within the walls of my house.  He beat the guy we thought had gone to his 'makaka' land after last election in Virginia.
NBC projects that President Obama has won California, Hawaii and the state of Washington.
    The real loss that made my heart feel full with hope is that Joe Walsh was defeated by Tammy Duckworth.  This man should never have been in the House of Representatives as he never represented anyone but himself and his own sleazy interests that had nothing to do with representing his constituency.
     Finally at 11:13 PM it was announced that Ohio went to President Obama, which gives us four more years of hope that we may survive and my good friends do not have to go to Canada.  Not surprisingly, the Romney team disagreed and vowed that every last vote had to be counted before they will concede.  We can only to continue to hope even though the Secretary of State in Ohio was not agreeing with the Romney camp.  Why am I not surprised they are also poor losers?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


If the Republicans like the guy in Pennsylvania , Scott in Florida, and the others who have been brought to court could just stop their cheating, America might even be able to sell itself as a democracy though it certainly has functioned like one for quite a while.  How can anybody with integrity allow themselves to vote for a puppet to represent them since the people running the party won't let anyone else run.  All you had to do was watch the Republican party response to the compliments and thanks that Chris Christie gave to President Obama for the wonderful assistance given to his Sandy stricken state.  He got called down to the Principal's office and chewed out for doing it.  Do we need any mo9re proof that the Republicans are not interested in the people, only in their wining at any cost.  They would let homeless, mourning, broken people suffer like animals in a struggle for life rather than work in a pleasant bipartisan fashion.  How much more do they need to see?

It forced Gov. Christie to defend, verbally, his support for Romney even though he could appreciate the help the President and FEMA gave his citizen's on crisis in the state.  He should never have had to defend hist honest response if the Republicans were capable of working in a bipartisan fashion. On Sunday, Gov. Christie defensively said he planned to vote for Gov., Romney, who, he thought, would make a better President even though he admired the leadership President Obama displayed throughout  the need for help in so many forms after Hurricane Sandy. in his state.  (I hope, in the privacy o9f a voting booth, he will be secretly able to vote for the best man and no one need ever know.

Monday, November 5, 2012


-If he had substance
-If he were not a Norquist, et al, puppet.
-If he didn't tell so many lies as though they were truths even after the lies were made clear
-If he had some new, practical ideas for moving the country forward.
-If he showed that he had compassion for those less fortunate than he.
-If he had not proven his bad choices by saying we should 'let GM go bankrupt'.
-If he didn't try to cheat the US government of taxes because he could make some more dollars that he          didn't need, when so many people were poor because of him.
-If he had been able to see how traitorous it was to his countrymen to outsource American jobs.
-If he weren't so condescending and openly hateful to the current President with absolutely no respect for the man who had won the last election and has honorably discharged his duties and responsibilities to the country,
-If he could have just once denounced the many fools who did his talking for him, like Trump, Sununu, the people who repeated that he was not American, anti-American, and joined those who are a disgraceful examples  for our children.
-If he had shown his taxes as others have done before him.
-If he had not hidden himself to such a degree that we can be assured there will be no tgransparency if he were President
-If he could even once have been supportive of women or indicated he understood the difficulty of the many roles in their lives.
-If he could behave presidentially.
If he could stop pretending he knows what it has been for Obama to have accomplished so much with so little support.
0If he were half the man that President Obama is in intelligence, knowledge of what it takes to run this country, and just show some respect for the middle class who struggle to keep themselves and their country, and many others going.

There are more reasons why I could not vote for Romney but, in honesty, I consider him a waste of time expenditure in my life.  The man, in my opinion, has proven himself unfit to be President.  Wanting the title for yourself is not enough. He clearly doesn't deserve it as a gift and has certainly not earned it.


Sunday, November 4, 2012


In the past the differences between the candidates have not been as great as they are today.  There are not slight differences between the candidates.   There are greater issues at stake for our country.  We have never, in my memory, had so many lies accepted by the media without challenge nor has a party been given carte blanche to say whatever whoppers it chooses with little challenge.  Nor do I recall the idiocy of comments  like Sununu's or Donald Trump be given their platform as though they are speaking legitimately and sagely. That ignores the ridiculous statements made by candidates themselves like Aikin and Mourdock.

Click here for just one of the many examples which is described in detail by whose motto is:  We serve it, even when it is hard to swallow.

Clearly, too many are unfamiliar with the running of the government and Obama's actual record.  Otherwise they would not so quickly fall for the conspiracy theories and the lies.  Today I heard an educator who is planning a program to teach children clearly, truthfully and how our democracy is supposed to work, focusing on the Constitution of the United States., The idea seems brilliant to me.  Especially when so little has been taught truthfully and consistently throughout the United States.  Some schools do not teach evolution and are still teaching creationism.  We do our young people a great disservice to allow a backward minority to set curricula.  

So much of our country's survival depends on the outcome of this election.   The many who feel they have the country in their pocket do not realize that it's dependence on the people is critical  If the people do not get a fair decision on the basis of their wishes, the fear is that the lessons of the French Revolution will be re-enacted.  The people will rise in revolution and those who have hi-jacked their country may not remain as invulnerable as they have been by trying to stay in the background and anonymous.  Anonymity in out world of cameras and technology is very hard to maintain and live in the life style they have chosen.