Monday, November 5, 2012


-If he had substance
-If he were not a Norquist, et al, puppet.
-If he didn't tell so many lies as though they were truths even after the lies were made clear
-If he had some new, practical ideas for moving the country forward.
-If he showed that he had compassion for those less fortunate than he.
-If he had not proven his bad choices by saying we should 'let GM go bankrupt'.
-If he didn't try to cheat the US government of taxes because he could make some more dollars that he          didn't need, when so many people were poor because of him.
-If he had been able to see how traitorous it was to his countrymen to outsource American jobs.
-If he weren't so condescending and openly hateful to the current President with absolutely no respect for the man who had won the last election and has honorably discharged his duties and responsibilities to the country,
-If he could have just once denounced the many fools who did his talking for him, like Trump, Sununu, the people who repeated that he was not American, anti-American, and joined those who are a disgraceful examples  for our children.
-If he had shown his taxes as others have done before him.
-If he had not hidden himself to such a degree that we can be assured there will be no tgransparency if he were President
-If he could even once have been supportive of women or indicated he understood the difficulty of the many roles in their lives.
-If he could behave presidentially.
If he could stop pretending he knows what it has been for Obama to have accomplished so much with so little support.
0If he were half the man that President Obama is in intelligence, knowledge of what it takes to run this country, and just show some respect for the middle class who struggle to keep themselves and their country, and many others going.

There are more reasons why I could not vote for Romney but, in honesty, I consider him a waste of time expenditure in my life.  The man, in my opinion, has proven himself unfit to be President.  Wanting the title for yourself is not enough. He clearly doesn't deserve it as a gift and has certainly not earned it.


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