Saturday, October 29, 2011


There is an ad on TV suggesting that Eve was not tempted by an apple in Eden but by a Pomegranite.  The marketer's guess is as good as any other since the story was before history could be written or spoken. 

Michelle Bachmann, early mother of the Teaparty, is now being asked to leave it as Steve Jobs once was kicked out of the company he had built, by the far less talented Chairman or President of his Board of Directors. People have forever climbed over the shoulders of others to reach the top, but when they get their the truth is exposed.  They only know how to con to get themselves appointed to the top but have nothing else to offer.  In Bachmann's case, she was only good at conning her way to the top.  In Steve Jobs's case, the company demonstrated their need for him and he came back and the world of technology was made better by his having returned.

Bank of America shows great chutzpah when it wants to charge for an electronic process,which costs the bank nothing, for people to take out their own money.  'Corporations and other people' cannot seem to accept any boundaries of fairness or decency any more.

Mississippi, with its Personhood Bill has seemed to lose all ability of discerning the main message that it kills women.  Women can die in childbirth.  If they are pregnant against their will or their pregnancy threatens their life, this bill would force them to continue with the pregnancy.  How against all American principles can THAT get?

Ron Christie, a Republican, who has risen to great heights at Harvard Business School takes down respect for that institution every time he opens his Republican, naive mouth to empty his  brain  and lay open to the public how incapable he of thinking realistically..  His description of the Occupy Wall Street participants and the behavior of the participants, though he admits he was not there, should prove he should not have anything worth hearing.  He called them all young, people, who are engaging in sex and drug usage, essentially implying it was an excuse for an orgy.  He is clearly just another Republican who does not a school preparing many greedy people for a life at Wall

Friday, October 28, 2011


Being one generation removed from parents raised in the mountains of a Mediterranean country in the 1980's my sense of life is very different than modern Americans.  There  was no way defective children  who needed constant care could be allowed to remain alive.  Today not denying the possibility that an ovum can be fertilized is allowed.

Recalling what I think I know from the Constitution, that if a law is Federal, all stats must abide by it.  To the best of my knowledge, Roe vs Wade made abortion legal.on a Federal level. Mississippi seems to be redefining when life starts....the decision is not medically and scientifically agreed to by most...and would effectively overrule the right to abortion, IVF as we now know it, contraception, and would totally outlaw abortion even in instances of rape, incest,  threat to the life of the mother, and all those things that only serve to make women powerless over their bodies or become baby making slaves.  For more of the proposed law in Mississippi, click here.   Called the 'Personhood Amendment' it would take humans back to some ignorant age.

The article ends with "When it comes to creating a culture of life in our states and to have that pro-life reality reflected in the law, it’s time to go on offense!"  The most positive response to this is , "Yes, I find it all grossly offensive."  For a Supreme Court that believes a corporation to be a person, I can't imagine what their interpretation will be when they are called on to adjudicate the many challenges that will be set forth.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Do Republicans really think they can stop the protests without listening to the people who are protesting?  One would wonder if politicians and other 'power' figures, even some of the police, think they were anointed rather than appointed or elected.

Today, the protesters have also started protesting the lack of medical services.  A doctor in NY spoke on the street about how sickened he is  to see so many ill people needing medical care for whom it is not available.

We can only hope that the greed has pushed too far.  Now there is more of a cry for single payer medical for all.  This doctor says inequality kills, poverty kills, stagnation kills.  He was Dr. Stephen Auerbach.of Physicians for National Health Program.  To see their proposal, click here.  This is a non-profit group who has been fighting for almost a decade.

As the police continue to abuse the protesters, we see the first serious injury to a helpless unarmed man who served two tours in Iraq.  Coming back to the country he faced death to protect, this country may have killed him.  He is currently in critical condition with a fractured skull.  Lie about who is behind them are being circulated, but why?  The kind of attempts to brainwash which have worked for so long have finally stopped working and those who are threatened seem desperate.  We can only hope they do not push these people who are trying to stay peaceful into a violence

You may wish to watch the BBC description of the 'Unequal' US sees Occupy Wall St clashes.  Click here.    May we all wish success to the protesters and thank them for making overt the wishes of all of us, even those of us who can't join them at their protests with anything other than verbal support and money.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Chapter 1 through 13 on BBC about the phone hacking scandal of News Corp began with this:  "How are three prime ministers, two top police officers, a media mogul, a clutch of journalists and a private investigator paid to eavesdrop on high-profile people connected? The story of the News of the World phone-hacking scandal has revealed a web of links between senior figures within politics, the police and the media. Click through the chapters below to find out how the key players' lives are intertwined."

Rupert Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks
There is a lovely diagram of people asking the question of 'who is linked to whom?'  Check the link at Chapter 1 and follow the very brief chapters which appear on the left.  Click on the diagram's colored dots.  It is shocking how many people in high places seem to have been involved.  It confirms how comfortable in taking chances so many people are, assuming that nothing will be done if they are in high places and hobnob with well placed people..

Tonight someone theorized that the granting of a total pardon to Nixon by Gerald Ford started an immune reaction in many who are guilty. The theory both has merits and can be debated. It must be asked how people can see so many people punished but assume from one act that politicians in high places are immune to being held responsible for their actions. We must also assume that many of the people involved knew nothing of Gerald Ford and the pardon as they are too young.

The most shocking part of this is, like Bernie Madoff, Rupert Murdoch and Fox News has gotten away with their lies for so long. Note should be made to their destructive influence on politics to the detriment of our country.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Texas governor Perry does not trust Obama is a citizen though he seems to trust Donald Trump.  Can we trust someone who knows so little about our country, its process of government, and elect such a person to run the country?: Can we trust anyone who believes Donald Trump?

Bachmann believes we should have no taxes. Can we trust any fiscal judgements she might make? Where does she think the money to run the country comes from, the free lunch fairy?

Herman Cain can talk apples and oranges (rather confusingly and without consistence) when he can't speak in agreement with himself about abortion, right to life, when conception or life starts, or reproduction rights by law.

Do the current Republican front runners have any idea how ludicrous they are?  Has running for office, saying what the fringe wants to hear and rake in campaign contributions really make the process worth while?  I suppose it is a way to survive, safer than the whole communities in Maine in which most residents go out on disability, stealing more anonymously from their fellow citizens than those who get caught stealing food out of grocery stores.

How can anyone who isn't so rich that they have no dear of needing money for any reason vote for a Republican for Congress this year?  The Republican legislators have made it very clear they do not believe in the constitution we have lived by for well over 200 years.  They do not listen to the needs of the American people and have no real understanding about the protesters, 

Monday, October 24, 2011


There has been powerful earthquake in Turkey, over a fault which has not had such an earthquake for ten years. Al Jazeera  has a moving film clip on just how bad it is both in destruction but in the failure of Turkey to prepare itself.

More people live over a fault and are unaware of it or are in complete denial about it.  Understandably, most are unable to pack up and move elsewhere.  Those who live where tornadoes are common, Asians who live with monsoons and tsunamis as well as earthquakes, the Bahamas , Florida and East Coast of the US who have hurricanes, and so many other places known for their natural disasters, can not afford to move and would not be able to choose a place that would guarantee their safety.  Indeed, such a place may allow you a life of freedom from a weather disaster, a volcano eruption, an earthquake, a meteor strike and some of the biggies, but it cannot keep you safe from random acts of violence and bad luck of being in the wrong  place at the wrong time.

Religious people will explain it as 'God's will'.  Those more mathematically leaning would describe it in terms of random chance.  The conclusion one must draw is that you make the best educated guess you can make and live or die with the consequences.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


We used to need night lights in the dark.  Now we all live above a lowered, technology determined 'latitude' line where the lights nevergo out.  Almost anything that plugs into a wall socket has an led.  Some indicate the appliance is on, some show a similar light when it is off.  Some to show your camera, phone, or numerous other hi-tech things are charging.  Rather confusing like everything else these days.

Clocks have lighted dials.. Cable boxes have lighted  panels to tell the time or station.  The kitchen has its share as well.  It is hard to not know the time...everything seems to have a clock in it  The poltergeists who put them in everything have found a way to take away any excuse for being late  unless you can say, I didn't look at the clock until I was in the car and I had forgotten to set that one.. I'm always on time, so I haven't tried it to see if anyone is dumb enough to swallow that one.

In my bathroom, the electric toothbrush has an LED to show it is charging as is the razor to shave my legs.  I never need to turn a light on in the middle of the night on those rare times I migrate there, drawn by my bladder's command to my sleeping mind.

I think it is a plot by the utilities so they can raise fees without actually having us use more electricity.  I guess I am desperate for a conspiracy theory I can believe.

Wired ran a great article recently.  "LEDs are the lights of the digital age - and they're everywhere"  Gee, someone finally noticed what I've been saying for a very long time.  There is no way to turn them off, either.  Wasn't that clever of the builders of electronic equipment?  Now if they could only agree to standardize, we could know when things are on or off...or is it 'if it is on, it is off'.  That makes as much sense to me as I write this as the rest of the world does right now.  They're white, bright, green, yellow, red, and most desirably cheap!