Saturday, October 29, 2011


There is an ad on TV suggesting that Eve was not tempted by an apple in Eden but by a Pomegranite.  The marketer's guess is as good as any other since the story was before history could be written or spoken. 

Michelle Bachmann, early mother of the Teaparty, is now being asked to leave it as Steve Jobs once was kicked out of the company he had built, by the far less talented Chairman or President of his Board of Directors. People have forever climbed over the shoulders of others to reach the top, but when they get their the truth is exposed.  They only know how to con to get themselves appointed to the top but have nothing else to offer.  In Bachmann's case, she was only good at conning her way to the top.  In Steve Jobs's case, the company demonstrated their need for him and he came back and the world of technology was made better by his having returned.

Bank of America shows great chutzpah when it wants to charge for an electronic process,which costs the bank nothing, for people to take out their own money.  'Corporations and other people' cannot seem to accept any boundaries of fairness or decency any more.

Mississippi, with its Personhood Bill has seemed to lose all ability of discerning the main message that it kills women.  Women can die in childbirth.  If they are pregnant against their will or their pregnancy threatens their life, this bill would force them to continue with the pregnancy.  How against all American principles can THAT get?

Ron Christie, a Republican, who has risen to great heights at Harvard Business School takes down respect for that institution every time he opens his Republican, naive mouth to empty his  brain  and lay open to the public how incapable he of thinking realistically..  His description of the Occupy Wall Street participants and the behavior of the participants, though he admits he was not there, should prove he should not have anything worth hearing.  He called them all young, people, who are engaging in sex and drug usage, essentially implying it was an excuse for an orgy.  He is clearly just another Republican who does not a school preparing many greedy people for a life at Wall

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