Friday, October 28, 2011


Being one generation removed from parents raised in the mountains of a Mediterranean country in the 1980's my sense of life is very different than modern Americans.  There  was no way defective children  who needed constant care could be allowed to remain alive.  Today not denying the possibility that an ovum can be fertilized is allowed.

Recalling what I think I know from the Constitution, that if a law is Federal, all stats must abide by it.  To the best of my knowledge, Roe vs Wade made abortion legal.on a Federal level. Mississippi seems to be redefining when life starts....the decision is not medically and scientifically agreed to by most...and would effectively overrule the right to abortion, IVF as we now know it, contraception, and would totally outlaw abortion even in instances of rape, incest,  threat to the life of the mother, and all those things that only serve to make women powerless over their bodies or become baby making slaves.  For more of the proposed law in Mississippi, click here.   Called the 'Personhood Amendment' it would take humans back to some ignorant age.

The article ends with "When it comes to creating a culture of life in our states and to have that pro-life reality reflected in the law, it’s time to go on offense!"  The most positive response to this is , "Yes, I find it all grossly offensive."  For a Supreme Court that believes a corporation to be a person, I can't imagine what their interpretation will be when they are called on to adjudicate the many challenges that will be set forth.

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