Saturday, August 13, 2011


Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
apology [əˈpɒlədʒɪ]
n pl -gies
1. a verbal or written expression of regret or contrition for a fault or failing
2. a poor substitute or offering
3. another word for apologia
[from Old French apologie, from Late Latin apologia, from Greek: a verbal defence, from apo- + logos speech]

A US man, ex-Marine, who had already served 15 years in prison for rape, was sentenced to die for murdering 11 women and burying their bodies in a shallow grave in his backyard.  Thios crime was so horrendous it even made the first section of the BBC Internet news.  "Sowell did not address the court on Friday, but on Monday he said in an unsworn statement: "The only thing I want to say is I'm sorry.""

Many people demand apologies.  Usually, as certainly in this case,  no apology will bring back the women whom he killed.  Apologies do not undo actions or pain caused.  Rarely, only when sincerely given do they create a new understanding of the action which may create a new response in the receiver.

When forced, apologies are totally useless as they cannot be given honestly or without either humiliation or truth.  Children are often forced and do not even understand the principle of a real apology.  To illustrate just one aspect of how ludicrous the understanding of the function of an apology is, there is a site for anonymous apologies.

Is someone now trying to make money for canned apologies or turn out apologies to fit all who need to make one?   

Friday, August 12, 2011



[tree-zuhn] Show IPA
1.the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2.A violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3.the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery

One cannot serve two masters. When sworn into office. one places their hand on a Bible and gives oath to uphold the best interests of the country., No one can be pledged to uphold rules that have a 'never' in them and may not be in the country's best interest.  Allegiance to Norquist is a violation of allegiance to one's state.

The gullible public who votes for them seems to believe their lies that they care for their country more than their jobs, but their voting records and constant stump speeches indicate otherwise.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


The Japanese Tsunami cause an Antarctica glacier as large as the surface of Manhattan to break off. The stress caused by a series of such waves was enough to weaken the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, which has been stable for 46 years, causing 125 sq km of ice to break off, a distance of 8679.49 miles..

An article by Andy  McSmith  says: "Twenty years after a blast in the nuclear plant at Chernobyl spread radioactive debris across Europe, it has been revealed that 375 farms in Britain, with 200,000 sheep, are still contaminated by fallout."  Read the entire article here. He further writes:  "After two decades, the legacy of the Chernobyl disaster is still casting its poisonous shadow over Britain's countryside. The Department of Health has admitted that more than 200,000 sheep are grazing on land contaminated by fallout from the explosion at the Ukrainian nuclear plant 1,500 miles away. Emergency orders still apply to 355 Welsh farms, 11 in Scotland and nine in England as a result of the catastrophe in April 1986." 

Joanna Gyory, Arthur J. Mariano, Edward H. Ryan tell about the Gulf Stream   To read about it, click here,  "Part of the Ocean Conveyor Belt—a great river of ocean water that traverses the saltwater sections of the globe—the Gulf Stream stretches from the Gulf of Mexico up the eastern seaboard of the United States, where it splits, one stream heading for Canada’s Atlantic coast and the other for northern Europe and Greenland. By taking warm water from the equatorial Pacific Ocean and carrying it into the colder North Atlantic, the Gulf Stream warms up the eastern United States and northwestern Europe by about five degrees Celsius (roughly nine degrees Fahrenheit), making those regions much more hospitable than they would be otherwise."  For the complete article by Larry West, click here.

Clearly Earth is much smaller than we ever imagined.  Not only does Nature spread it around but so does man with finances, the Internet, atrocities to humans, and so much more. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Poor Anthony Wiener didn't last long with his form of 'flashing' on the Internet.  People were shocked and decided he couldn't do his job though his work was always exemplary.

However, when all the child molesters in the Catholic Church were doing horrible things to children for years, the Church thought little of it until the outside world demanded justice and safety in the church for their children.  It took the courts to begin to put a stop to the behavior of pedophile priests though all these years after, there are still complaints from other countries.  For more statistics about this, click here.

Today, the courts have sentenced polygamist sect leader, Warren Jeffs, got the maximum sentence allowed.  At 55, he must reach 85 before he can even be considered for parole. Once again  misogyny was committed for too far long a period. There have been many volumes printed about how he used and abused the children for whom he was responsible.  For some more detail, click here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Moving Finger writes:  and having writ,
Moves on: nor all they Piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a word of it.....(Fitzgerald translation of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam)

Public figures who make speeches and are on talk shows seem to forget that they are archived and, with very few keystrokes, all they have ever said is there for all to see.  It is made worse when they deny having said things, only to have all the video played over and over with proof that they are lying.

Just as one has to be one's own physician along with the person  with the M.D. after the name to really be conscientious about one's future health, so we should all check facts to as great an extent as is available to us.  One place to start is here. is a must for people who do not want to be gullible though a lying press and media and don't mind doing a bit of homework on their own.

I have not done an exhaustive search to find some of these places for this blog, though there are probably many.  Perhaps anyone reading this may have some ideas.  Please them as comments.

Monday, August 8, 2011


If you Google 'Verizon complaints' you get:  "About 7,270,000 results(0.14 seconds)"  While some may be frivolous from grumpy people, it surely cannot account for 7 million.  As a customer of Verizon, I dislike the practices they used to get me as a customer.  The sales people came door to door and could not print a complete contract.  What they promised was not approved by the 'office'.when it was too late to do anything about it.  For many months, bills were never accurate.  What I was told would happen, did not in many instances.

So when I read today that 45,000 Verizon employees went on strike, I was not surprised that negotiations with the unions since 6/22/11 have failed and the union does not feel that they are being treated with fair negotiations.  Thus it was not a surprise to read:  " The company said it had trained tens of thousands of managers, retired workers and others to fill in for striking staff."

Some of my friends have abandoned the Verizon ship and gone to Comcast.  It certainly bears further exploration.  After all, Google shows them as having received fewer complaints...About 3,510,000 results (0.16 seconds).Should that be enough if the monthly bill goes down?  I hear that they guarantee a two year fixed rate.  It sounds better all the time.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


For some reason which I may never understand, disparate groups of people form clubs around a common interest.  They can differ in every aspect of life other than that one interest. They are the garden club, the camera club, the reading group, the bridge group...or hundreds more reasons why people congregate.  They meet; all sizes, colors, backgrounds, ethnicity and all other ways we stereotype people.

The husband of the hostess does the barbecuing while varying female members  help the hostess set up the number of tables to seat people, hopefully, in the shade.  Seated at one of these tables, I got acquainted with two or three people I hadn't known before.  There were interesting conversations but , eventually, as others join the table, one person turned it into a personal conversation with a friend across the table, dissecting the group, forcing people to listen to whining about friends, spats, and everything else that is boring to those, like myself, who have no history nor interest.  Picking up empty plates and taking them to the trash can make an easy segue away from the table.

The next table had a great political discussion going for a while but then dessert was served and the topic deteriorated to food and trivia of equal valence.  I'm still trying to figure out what the critical mass is which reverts to the level of intelligence of the least common denominator.   I know it coincides with whatever deteriorates to mindless conversation making me realize I would rather be at home in my air conditioning, with a good book, listening to my own choice of music..  The magic of the day was that there no bugs out, no mosquitoes, and no small children.  I might even go back another year.