Sunday, August 7, 2011


For some reason which I may never understand, disparate groups of people form clubs around a common interest.  They can differ in every aspect of life other than that one interest. They are the garden club, the camera club, the reading group, the bridge group...or hundreds more reasons why people congregate.  They meet; all sizes, colors, backgrounds, ethnicity and all other ways we stereotype people.

The husband of the hostess does the barbecuing while varying female members  help the hostess set up the number of tables to seat people, hopefully, in the shade.  Seated at one of these tables, I got acquainted with two or three people I hadn't known before.  There were interesting conversations but , eventually, as others join the table, one person turned it into a personal conversation with a friend across the table, dissecting the group, forcing people to listen to whining about friends, spats, and everything else that is boring to those, like myself, who have no history nor interest.  Picking up empty plates and taking them to the trash can make an easy segue away from the table.

The next table had a great political discussion going for a while but then dessert was served and the topic deteriorated to food and trivia of equal valence.  I'm still trying to figure out what the critical mass is which reverts to the level of intelligence of the least common denominator.   I know it coincides with whatever deteriorates to mindless conversation making me realize I would rather be at home in my air conditioning, with a good book, listening to my own choice of music..  The magic of the day was that there no bugs out, no mosquitoes, and no small children.  I might even go back another year.

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