Saturday, July 21, 2012


The news has been taken over all day by the most current heinous crime,  The perpetrator is being speculated about.  He may be a psychopath, sociopath, or psychotic.  No one will know until there is a more formal announcement by the law enforcement officials who have had him tested.  Despite this, everyone is talking about it.

One TV journalist asks that the injured be cured.  That is the fallacy of our reporting.  The figure of the dead is the main figure paid attention is that of the dead because it is easily ascertained by count.  No one knew enough to comment on the 59 injured.  The life-altering damage to their bodies and minds.  We do not know how many were unalterably brain damaged, lose use of limbs, or lose critical functions requiring colostomies or other surgeries. Shots in the abdomen with threat of ensuing peritonitis are ever present when bullets are flying.

 A national tragedy is that the NRA is so powerful, the wishes of the people for safety and protection could be made to work better for those purposes but, unfortunately, those in control of the NRA have no conscience about either of those aspects, wanting only money and more of it.

It would be wonderful to see some good, any good, come from one of these tragedies.  Alas, the NRA will never allow that to happen until the populace rises up with one strong voice to make changes.  That cannot happen until other more pressing issues are attended or fixed.

Friday, July 20, 2012


The media, as always, after ratings and shock value, gives too much attention to the bizarre conspiracy people, or just makes up fantasy connections.  Bachmann has a vendetta against Huma Abedin, trusted, long-term aide to Hilary Clinton who is American born of Pakistani descent.  Since Ms. Abedin is not a politician, I am surprised she has not threatened to sue Bachmann for defamation of character or whatever the law allows for talk like that without foundation.

When even the Republicans take issue with Bachmann, we must assume that there is concern about the loose cannons who are allowed to spread their venom and delusions.  Two of the prominent Republicans who took issue with Bachmann are John McCain who defended Ms. Abedin to the Senate and even John Boehner censured Ms. Bachmann's  unwarranted accusations.

To see the story that goes with this picture of Ms. Abedin and Secretary of State Clinton, click here.

There is no need for people to be allowed to be on public television without fact checking having been done.  The attacker should be held responsible for what they say but the media should also be held responsible for the air/view time given which only makes many people think what is said is true because it is shown on TV by 'reputable' news outlets.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Unfortunately it can only be used about the nastiest lies and campaign tactics eve seen,  Campaigns have never been without their 'stretching the truth' but they have not been so low as to insult a sitting president with lies of his being 'not one of us', in so many words.  Perhaps it is because we allow marketers to run campaigns.  They are only interested in scamming the public for better gain and selling their product, just as Bain Capital has never been a job producer but a their practices have been a means to make profit for the company which has done well.

John McCain who spoke in defense of Huma Abedin was to be loudly acclaimed as someone in our government with a sense of honesty and morality about defaming  the innocent.  Anderson Cooper also championed Ms. Abedin.  For more on this, click here.

Romney is a coward who hides behind the vitriol of people like M Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh, John Sununu and others. Mr. Romney, clean up your act.  You are fooling no one.  You have no substance nor are you showing integrity.  You may be getting all the money for your campaign from those who know you will continue to be their puppet if they can get you elected but none of you re thinking of your country.  Stop projecting all your faults onto Obama.  He has everything you lack but the amount of your wealth.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Tonight I listened to journalist Charles Blow comment that people do not like Romney.  They will vote for him because they dislike Romney.  It fit with my experience in talking with people who planned to vote for Romney, as well.  How tragic that people allow their hatred and biases to risk the future of our country and their own best interests.

The truth of this opinion rests with the realization that Romney is not even backed by his own party.  Of course, the Mormon Church stand to gain a great deal if they can get their man in the White House.  Is that one of the secrets for his not giving up his tax returns; just how much he has given to the Church rather than his country?

There is no reason for him not to release his tax returns unless he has something to hide.  Even without having his tax returns, we know quite a bit about this man.  Bain Capital was never there to create jobs in the United States.  Its main purpose was to make profit and he proved he could do that very well.  What he cannot prove is that (despite blowhard Limbaugh';s statement that he was Nation Building while President Obama was then talking drugs and gliding easily through school because of his status as a black man.  The great tragedy of our day are that there enough ignorant people who believe that he could be elected (in a blind choice) as Editor of the Harvard Law Journal.

If I knew a God to pray to, I would ask that we not be allowed to fall into the Romney pit.  He is irrelevant to the process.  As Reed pointed out, 17 old, white men will celebrate if Romney gets in as they will have bought the country.  Grover Norquist made it clear that he will do what he is told and only needs to be able to sign his name.  He has changed on every other issue, he may start signing as Willard instead of Mitt so he can harder to spot in history.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Romney is flailing and using a single theme:  Obama is using attack ads.  Unfortunately there are Obama haters who will believe anything.  I just talked to one tonight who insisted he had given everything that was asked for by the campaigns.  The tragedy is that she believes it.  She also watches FOX.  She believes them, too.  What a tragedy that people are so biased that they will believe anything against Obama and everything for Romney even in the face of total fabrications, and inconsistencies.

One has to ask if the Republicans are falling apart.  Lawrence O'Donnell spoke tonight about Grover Norquist's loss of status and power.  Tom Coburn dared to vote and write against his pledge.  Coburn does not plan to run again. For more details on Norquist's meltdown and gaff by calling Coburn a liar (not what a lobbyist should ever do) click here.

So far, Sheldon Adelson has made it clear that he will spend $100,000,000 to get Romney into the White House.  Do we know why?  Yes, because he stands to earn much more if he can get someone to pass bills that keep him for being prosecuted for illegal activities there.  For details, click here.

Is this another truth?  Norquist says Romney fully backs the pledge.  Is that what we need in the White House?  Really???

Monday, July 16, 2012


Instead of spending a quiet Sunday watching the biased political liars on TV, my day was spent fighting the bacteria cult that decided to make my body its new home.  When a battle is being waged between those who would make me weak, give me a headache, and keep me nauseated for hours, it is an unfair fight.  Consequently, I figured I'd starve the enemy. To avoid eating, I slept most of the day..

Had I been conscious for long I might have enjoyed the memory of the dreams I had, but alas, Morpheus wiped out all thoughts.Morning finally arrived and here I am dragging myself on a trip back to the living.  Perhaps I'll be coherent by tomorrow.
