Saturday, July 21, 2012


The news has been taken over all day by the most current heinous crime,  The perpetrator is being speculated about.  He may be a psychopath, sociopath, or psychotic.  No one will know until there is a more formal announcement by the law enforcement officials who have had him tested.  Despite this, everyone is talking about it.

One TV journalist asks that the injured be cured.  That is the fallacy of our reporting.  The figure of the dead is the main figure paid attention is that of the dead because it is easily ascertained by count.  No one knew enough to comment on the 59 injured.  The life-altering damage to their bodies and minds.  We do not know how many were unalterably brain damaged, lose use of limbs, or lose critical functions requiring colostomies or other surgeries. Shots in the abdomen with threat of ensuing peritonitis are ever present when bullets are flying.

 A national tragedy is that the NRA is so powerful, the wishes of the people for safety and protection could be made to work better for those purposes but, unfortunately, those in control of the NRA have no conscience about either of those aspects, wanting only money and more of it.

It would be wonderful to see some good, any good, come from one of these tragedies.  Alas, the NRA will never allow that to happen until the populace rises up with one strong voice to make changes.  That cannot happen until other more pressing issues are attended or fixed.

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