Saturday, October 4, 2008


O.J. Simpson was found guilty of several felony counts and will face a jail sentence soon.

Sarah Palin accuses Barack Obama of palling around with terrorists. She cited a New York Times report that Mr Obama had had links with a former member of a 1960s militant group. Since Palin has no real ideas about running the country, she has taken up the usual Republican style of character assassination. That Obama was too young too talk when the militant group was in action seems insignificant to her. Mr Obama, who served on a charity board several years ago with Mr Ayers - now a professor at the University of Illinois - has denounced his radical activities. Does Governor Palin assume this 60's activist was able to stifle all his urges for almost 50 years and is just waiting for his 'friend' to get into office to begin them again, though the war he protested against is over?

How sad to see John McCain, the Maverick who is a 'straight talker' allow his Vice Presidential nominee to stoop to such pig sty politics. Is that why he appointed the 'barracuda' he could try to stay as removed from her as he does Bush? Does that short distance explains his bragging so loudly about how great she did in the Biden/Palin debate?

Tonight, for nearly two hours, I had the distinct pleasure of being away from my TV and the political wrestling. I was always told, 'never wrestle a pig in, mud. The pig will love it and you will only get filthy.' Personally, I hope that Sarah Barracuda will show her lack of judgment, paucity of readiness for the Presidency, and wake up to find herself the only 'pig' in this fight with the stench of it coloring her future career in politics. Winning by character assassination of your opponents and nothing else to recommend you will get a reincarnated George W. Bush back, in her. I hope our country folk are smarter than that.

My two hours away from the TV were spent at Boston Symphony Hall listening to Andre Previn, Maestro, with a new piece by him, commissioned by the BSO, called OWLS. It was lovely and far preferable to the Carter commissions in the past few years, to my ears. Next was a stunning rendition of Violin Concerto in D by Stravinsky, played by violin virtuoso Gil Shaham. It is a beautiful piece played with breathtaking musicianship by Shaham. After Intermission, we heard Beethoven's Symphony No. 4. Now if only the concert could have lasted until after the elections, life would be considerably improved.


FUD is an acronym for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Those three letters describe the last eight years of the Bush administration. It has been total FUD. Sarah Palin's pronunciation of 'nucuhlar' further connects her, in my mind, to Bush. That kind of mispronunciation is called metathesis. It makes me wonder if it is further proof that both their brains misfire similarly.

Since 911 we have all been fed FUD, Cheney orchestrating. Rove came in with similar images before each campaign and the Daddy puppet, Bush, read his speeches well. Bush was never prepared to be President and nothing in his background would indicate that he had the training and ability to carry through the serious task. He then went about proving his inadequacy a reality. Unfortunately, too many people in the US have bought into the notion that anybody can be President. What they forget is that just as anyone might win at the Olympics, given certain inherent physical conditions, they will not do so without years of training. When Sarah Palin pushed her lack of facts or knowledge on 'I only have been at this for five weeks', she stepped into a real trap she set for herself. It was not the time or place to pull the 'poor little me' bit. She should have been ready to be President when McCain chose her to be the VP candidate. She (nor his campaign handlers) should not have thought she could have a six weeks 'crash and cram' course to achieve what it takes years of schooling and training for all others.

Today I heard a Democrat woman say she thought about whether if, Sarah Palin were a Democrat, she could vote for her. She realized that she could not in anyway even entertain the thought. Focus groups of women by majority did not fall for her 'cutesiness' and were embarrassed by it. She may have thought she was appealing to 'Joe six-pack', but even most of those are more interested in their jobs and ability to survive than her charm or being 'hot'. Many of them are smart enough to know their future lies with someone who has more ability to handle Washington politics than she.

It is constantly amazing to me that the criteria many use to choose a Presidential or other political candidate can often be so shallow. I hear "I wouldn't vote for a black man", sadly, from people who claim no racial bias (they cannot account for their choice of failing to vote for a better candidate who is also half-white); "She's HOT' is another I've heard that makes me wretch. That never came up when Hillary Clinton was running. What I heard then was, "I just don't like her" with a total inability to admit that they fear a powerful woman and are just too chauvinistic, after a century of many finding women their equals and many other countries choosing women as their leaders. I wonder if or when the voters will understand that, if they can't figure out what to look for, we should, perhaps as a country, figure an examination of the qualifications to handle the job as is done in most other professions. It should never be a popularity contest on charisma, sex appeal, charm, but only on ability to command respect and knowledge and ability to handle the stresses and demands of the job. We are doing that for kids in school who are now being tested before they can graduate to leave to get employed in an adult world, do we not? Should less be demanded of our President and major leaders?

Friday, October 3, 2008


Despite the apparent wish of the media to see more action or a TKO, the debate was somewhat benign and predictable. In my opinion, Biden won hands-down. However, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and those willing to assume charm is worth more than substance saw it differently than I did. Biden smiled a beautiful, white, toothful smile at some of Palins remarks and attacks but only spoke to correct the inaccuracy of some of Palin's reflections on the Obama positions.

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, saw Palin realistically while Pat Buchanan, MSNBC, thought Palin did a wonderful job and won the debate. He could hardly stop raving about it. Rachel Maddow seemed to get it right when she said you could choose Biden (boring and right) or Palin (exciting and wrong). Catty Kay on the BBC thought that McCain needed more tonight from Palin than charm. She added that, because of the way the poll numbers are running currently, this might not have gone well for McCain. The woman rarely answered the question that was asked, often changed the subject to refer back to something she was more comfortable answering, usually to say what she had done as Mayor of that tiny town or as Governor of the 600,00+ people of that 'big state' of Alaska. She totally lacked substance in her answers. David Gregory, MSNBC, thought Palin had a game plan to which she stuck but did not add that she was particularly successful. Chris Matthews took issue with her saying she thought the powers of the Vice President should be expanded and read her as not planning to play by the rules. CNN offered focus group's responses which seemed to be a strong preference for Obama. One woman, who I had understood to be an independent going in, decided she liked what Palin had to say. The woman looked like a deer caught in the headlights, spoke slowly and seemed to have difficulty getting out her thoughts, so I was not clear on what part of Palin's responses she was using to change or solidy her vote.

Biden offered much historical data and did not bite at Palin's attempts to unseat him with her homespun darts. Her cutesy, raised voice at the beginning, asking if she could call Biden Joe, started her attempt to convince everyone that she, more than Biden, would be for six-pack Joe and middle America. However, on the substantive issues, she follows McCain who follows Bush.
Biden defined the job of the VP as one in which he follows the lead of the President and acts as an adviser, influencing the Legislature only when a tie needs to be broken. Palin expressed that she would be more engaged with the Legislature, seeming not to understand the Constitution on this matter any more than Cheney had, with Bush allowing himself to be led by the nose by 'Big Dick'.

Palin, at one point, said she did not have to compromise much and did not care who got credit in her state. (She is obviously able to speak constantly of all she has done as Mayor and, later, Governor). Biden quoted Mike Mansfield, an early mentor to him. Mansfield taught him to never question motive, only judgments. Biden matched Palin emotionally about single parenting, sadness, and losses which Palin glossed over with no hint of empathy then tried to make her own unrelated point.

To me, Biden answered questions quickly, concisely, and did not play games. Palin skirted answering the questions, chose to make her own political speech instead, and never answered a question as to how McCain would effect change. She only expressed where she thought change was needed. She spouted the Bush/McCain party line throughout and I saw eight more years of Bush policym if she and MCain get to the White House, with panic in my heart.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Determined last night to write my usual blog, I found there is really nothing new politically to interest me. If I claim disinterest, it is difficult to assume anyone else is seeking time to waste on reading more of the same old stuff. My energies had been spent on, among other things, a discussion with a gentleman who thought that Palin was certainly as competent to be president as any of the other three running. Those, who may have understood my views, by now must realize that a heated discourse between the two of us followed this declaration.

The news everywhere would have us believing that there is nothing worth imparting on the world front. I can't imagine the odds on how soon Biden will make a gaff or talk too long; or how soon people will realize that all the hair piled onto the top of Palin's head covers an intellectually challenged brain. Since I never bet on anything but a sure thing, I will not even get that simple adrenalin boost.

Instead, like many, I will restrain myself tonight, in consideration of the cost of a TV replacement, and hurl only invectives failing short of the intensity of my emotions. (Yiayia makes a note to find or invent some more fitting and expressive profanity). At some point, I will search the world newspapers (that are in English) to find out what is going on, really, in the world that might be of import. The values currently in the US are at a Middle School level as compared to adults in so many other places. I realize that the last eight years has dumbed-down the level of expectation for our leaders. Apparently it is more important to think of putting someone in office with whom you can have a beer and a hot dog in the back yard, or in the case of Gov. Palin, who is hot, than to be an (I hesitate to write this pejorative word) intellectual. It amuses me that Gov. Palin also pronounces 'nuclear' as tell me if she gets in we won't have another Bush in there! Sadly, I near regurgitation as I realize she seems to exhibit a lower IQ than even he dies!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It amuses me to see how many of my friends still have to read their daily newspapers over coffee. I don't mean to sound condescending, it is not a criticism of my friends but of newspapers. It pleases me to find new sources for more interesting perspective. YouTube has filled that gap quite nicely. Here are a few. Bill Maher, who has always thought outside the box though he can at times be so narcissistic and even cruel, is still challenging to watch.

Has anyone other than I noticed the similarity of face between McCain and Charlie Chaplin without makeup in his later years?

Both have the ability to make up illusions that touch people. Both are funny when acting. Both are old in these pictures.
Both had and spent lots of money.

Jack Cafferty tells us, on CNN, how he really feels about Palin.

Well, tomorrow we will see what happens when Palin must show the public in the lower 48 states, as well as the rest of the world just how ready-or-not she is should she become President if she is elected Vice president and the necessity arises! May we live to survive yet another election (necessary with Karl Rove at the evil helm now), to mention only one of the 'bad guys'.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


At last, we will get to hear the Biden-Palin debate on October 2. After concluding that Rove has been mentoring, trying to have McCain accuse Obama of every fault he, McCain, has, it will be interesting to watch how Palin-puppet will have learned her Rovian lessons.

We are led to understand that, for the next couple of days, Palin will be at McCain's Sidona ranch trying to undo previous attempts at brainwashing by stuffing 600 pages of information into her head in those two days. Apparently her handlers will be trying to let her be herself. That seems a bit of a contradiction since her head is being crammed full while she, herself, would seem to be a head far less full of international interest. In fact, she seems to have quite a paucity of knowledge as to what it is to live in the lower '48'.

The debate will be moderated by Gwen Ifill, a longtime correspondent and moderator for nationally televised public broadcasting news programs. Ifill, who serves as moderator and managing editor of PBS' "Washington Week" and senior correspondent for "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," also moderated the CPD's 2004 vice presidential debate between Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. John Edwards, held Oct. 5 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.

It is likely, with their past performances, each will make some gaffs. It will be interesting to see how many we can catch.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Some recent research suggests that loneliness makes people cold. The University of Toronto team found people feeling excluded said a room was colder than those feeling included. Those excluded, choose warmer, comfort food than cooler drinks. For every congenial character who can warm a room, there’s another who can bring a draft from the north, a whiff of dead winter. And even if the thermometer doesn’t register the difference, people do: social iciness feels so cold to those on the receiving end that they will crave a hot drink, a new study has found. (9-15-08 NY Times article by Benedict Carey)

Many are lonely because they isolate themselves from people rather than build bridges. Some are lonely because they have a clinical (chemical) depression. This leaves some with an empty feeling that no amount of reassurance of love from outside can fill. Others are lonely because they take no action to do the things they need to do to change the condition. Some find relief in having pets (unconditional love); others from the tactile interchange with their pets (I prefer skin to hair).

Wikipedia: "Loneliness is an emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feeling of emptiness and isolation. Loneliness is more than the feeling of wanting company or wanting to do something with another person. Loneliness is a feeling of being cut off, disconnected and alienated from other people. Those who may find it difficult or even impossible to have any form of meaningful human contact may not see themselves as lonely people. Lonely people often experience a subjective sense of inner emptiness or hollowness, with feelings of separation or isolation from Yiayia's rules for combating loneliness First establish the source.

-It is likely physical if it negatively affects your 3 appetites: sleep, digestive and libido, in which case it suggests you see a psychopharmacologist (a psychiatrist who specializes in medications for depression and other brain, chemical imbalances) or kick in your endorphins with stress exercise to reach (what most would call 'jogger's high'). One additional sign of clinical depression may be the loss of movement in one's face. Animation disappears.

-If it is a loss of companionship and touch, get connected. Here are some suggestions. You can join groups, take classes, use the computer and Internet to find forums with people who share your interest in whatever, if you are a pet person...get a pet, visit people in nursing homes, volunteer wherever you are in touch with people.

-Try to stay as stress-free as possible. Do not read books or go to movies that leave you tense in body or emotions. Try not to make the world problems your own. Establish boundaries for yourself as to where your responsibilities begin and end. Follow the Serenity prayer and avoid trying to change things beyond your power, change the things you can, and hope for wisdom to differentiate the two. Do not allow yourself to take on other people's problems or responsibilities. Some people meditate; others get massages. It is whatever you can afford and works for you.

-Immerse yourself in humor. (If you cannot laugh, you are probably clinically depressed) There is much humor to be had on TV, reading, jokes on email and the Internet, movies and, especially, between friends who are upbeat. Laughing also kicks in endorphins, as does sexual climax.

-Stay warm either by turning the thermostat up or by wearing warm clothing and staying physically active. I find, if the back of my neck and feet are warm , I feel warm all over. Drinking warm fluids helps; bouillon, tea, coffee, even hot water helps. Buy fresh ginger and take a piece the size of a quarter, chop it up after peeling, and boil it to make a tea. (Mixed with Bancha twig tea it makes a lovely, fragrant drink ).

-For those who can accept religion on faith , it witnessed people helped by to believing that, if life is impossibly cruel to them on earth in this one, the next will be better. Though I am not among this group, I have seen its helpfulness to others so have included it here.

-Find interests and hobbies. Everyone can develop those regardless of talent and finances.

Lest one should think I have abandoned watching the political news in favor of being real and human for a minute, all must read Frank Rich's article in the Times on Sunday. He has titled it 'McCain's suspension bridge to nowhere.' Well worth the read.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


This picture appeared on the front page of the BBC News online. Had I not seen an article with it, I would have concluded the obvious; Obama, the more youthful and vigorous, kinder man, helping the old, tired and unwell McCain who can't look him in the eye. It seems far more representative of reality than one would hear from the Republican-biased pundits.

Having read many reviews of the debate on 9/26/08, I am left with the impression that everyone on TV and the Internet had a criticism of both. However, it seems that more people thought Obama was the winner, while a slightly smaller number vacillated, unable to give the win to either. Still fewer thought McCain was the winner.

My sense was that, while everyone had their grievances and suggestions about Obama missing opportunities to to nail McCain on things, I felt Obama was far more Presidential, took the high road without using condescenion of the other candidate, had more content to offer, and seemed more relaxed. He didn't resort to the Middle School mentality of repeated insults that McCain used on him such as inexperience, naive, and 'just doesn't get it' stuff. McCain never looked directly at Obama. He was whiny an repeated himself with snide remarks as though he were dueling with feathers instead of swords. I cannot see the damage done that so many pundits thought he inflicted on Obama.

To me, this picture says it all!