Tuesday, September 30, 2008


At last, we will get to hear the Biden-Palin debate on October 2. After concluding that Rove has been mentoring, trying to have McCain accuse Obama of every fault he, McCain, has, it will be interesting to watch how Palin-puppet will have learned her Rovian lessons.

We are led to understand that, for the next couple of days, Palin will be at McCain's Sidona ranch trying to undo previous attempts at brainwashing by stuffing 600 pages of information into her head in those two days. Apparently her handlers will be trying to let her be herself. That seems a bit of a contradiction since her head is being crammed full while she, herself, would seem to be a head far less full of international interest. In fact, she seems to have quite a paucity of knowledge as to what it is to live in the lower '48'.

The debate will be moderated by Gwen Ifill, a longtime correspondent and moderator for nationally televised public broadcasting news programs. Ifill, who serves as moderator and managing editor of PBS' "Washington Week" and senior correspondent for "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," also moderated the CPD's 2004 vice presidential debate between Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. John Edwards, held Oct. 5 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.

It is likely, with their past performances, each will make some gaffs. It will be interesting to see how many we can catch.

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