Saturday, August 25, 2012


A Nay seal who was on the mission to get Osama bin Laden has written a book about it under a pseudonym..  Apparently he did not get security clearance from the Pentagon for it and will face possible charges over it.

It would be impossible to rewrite this story as well as this video  from CNN provides.  The book is an autobiographical account titled No Easy Day.The eager so called 'journalist' who violated all moral, professional  an ethical codes to release this man's real name has put him in probably more danger than when he was a Navy Seal at work.  Fox News is to me unconscionable to have done this as it will reveal  the identity of others and put them in danger, as well.

To hear Fox News with their pitiful question as top whether Navy Seals have freedom of speech (which they could have asked without 'outing him', click here/   This article is now available on Google with the real name.  Fox might as well have painted a big red target on the man.  In my opinion, the man who made his name public should never be allowed to write another story again for any media organization.  To put someone's life in jeopardy should have been a lesson he should not have forgotten Valerie Plame.  Cheney et al got away with that when they should not have but this man should have blown the whistle (if he felt compelled to do so) to the pentagon directly, not for the world of revenge seekers to consider him easy bait.

Friday, August 24, 2012


The voting act states  ..."...he Act prohibits states from imposing any "voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure ... to deny or abridge the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color."[3] Specifically, Congress intended the Act to outlaw the practice of requiring otherwise qualified voters to pass literacy tests in order to register to vote, a principal means by which Southern states had prevented African Americans from exercising the franchise.[2Read the Act by clicking here.

It seems that I am less apt than most of my friends to always imagine the worst possible scenario in my future.    I truly believe that the Obama camp is like a good jockey who holds back, maintaining stamina and pace, until nearing the end and then puts on a burst of speed.  Having listened to Romney, I look forward to people being able to compare the two men together.  There is no doubt in mind which is the most knowledgeable and articulate of the two.

Joe Biden may be seen as a loose cannon by some but he has truth and facts on his side, a significant lack in Paul Ryan.  Debating when all subjects about yourself are off the table must, indeed, be very difficult.  A few decades ago, in Boston, there was a theater called the Laff Movie and showed comedies all day long without sweeping out any of the fools (like me) who would stay for hours and see one after another all day for the single admission price.  It can't compare with the RNC Extravaganza coming up.  I will be glued to the 'fair and balanced'  media showing it all to us.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Today, though others may have mentioned it, for the first time I heard a show host question why the media is handling things in a 'business-as-usual ' way when it is clear that speakers a lying.  He indicated that he was ashamed of behaving in contradiction to everything he had been taught as a journalist.  What was missing in his statement was why he does it.  It seems to be the order of the media channels of the day.  Forget the truth, keep the audience coming back and making the channel money.  Forget the ethics of your profession.  If you want the pay check, follow the channel rules.

Socrates was forced to drink poison for his pursuit of truth while the rich leaders did not find it went along with their wish to deceive the citizens,  Some things don't change in human nature and the process that greedy people develop.  This is an interesting article about history of lies back to ancient Greece.

Quoted from this article: The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates taught his students that the pursuit of truth could only begin once they start to question and analyze every belief that they ever held dear. If a certain belief passes the tests of evidence, deduction and logic, it should be kept. If it doesn’t, the belief should not only be discarded, but the thinker must also then question why he was led to believe the erroneous information in the  first place. Not at all surprising was the fact that this type of teaching didn’t go very well with the ruling elite of Greece. Many political leaders throughout history have always sought to mislead the thinking of the masses. Socrates was tried for “subversion” and for “corrupting the youth”. He was then forced to take his own life by drinking poison. 

Throughout history it has never been easy being an independent thinker!  Robert F Kennedy, Jr wrote an article a bit more than a year ago on  the reason Fox Cable News is not allowed in Canada because of the number of lies they tell.  (Bravo, Canada!) Canada considers them as delivering false and misleading news  

Lastly, an interesting article on truth and the media, commentaries from many we may know and respect. .

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Despite all the Republican claims that there is not a war on women, we are getting clearer on where the misogyny really rests.   Many assertions that 'real 'rapes don't produce pregnancies. They make no note of the violation to a woman of having the rapist's sperm  in her womb whose .  However, these misogynists definitely want to  believe that the woman's body, by some process they do not understand,rejects the rapist's sperm. Ignorantly, they assume erroneously that all 'real' pregnancies stem out of the loving cooperation and coital union of a couple wanting to conceive.  John C. Willke, 1999 wrote this 'medical nonsense' which apparently many foolish and people of
faith' beloved  him,   The original's reprint can be read here.

The New York Times immediately wrote an article disclaiming the inaccurate medical information in that article.  To read it, click here. Dr. Wilke, who wrote that it was rare for women to gt pregnant when raped, said the following recently, at his now age 87...(showing that he is not  likely to be right up to date on this medical knowledge?) 

"Dr. Willke, 87, asserted yesterday that “way under 1 percent” of rape victims become pregnant, not just because of female biology but because about half of rapists “do not deposit sperm in the vagina.” That, Dr. Willke said, is because many rapists have “a preference for rectal intercourse over vaginal”; experience “premature ejaculation, which is a major factor”; or “some of these guys just plain aren’t fertile.”

Non believers in science (which can be proven) drops to oblivion when faced with religious 'faith' (which cannot be proven)  The leaders of the anti-abortion movement are not pro-life  as they fail to help life after birth. They show their ignorance of a women's body and their hypocritical attempts to have women back to being barefoot and pregnant  Is it a surprise that women who have borne children, raised them, and also had to leave them to enter the work force to help support the family cannot agree that they should have a smaller government while retaining one that tries to tell them what to do with the reproductive system?


Monday, August 20, 2012


It is my pleasure on Sunday mornings to watch This Week (ABC) and Meet the Press  (NBC).  What I have observed over time is that those shows should no longer be called journalism.  If there is fact checking, which seems unlikely, people are allowed on those and other similar shows to be  asked back time after time to spew lies.

Why video time is given to people still full of a the fantasy that President Obama  was not born in the US and is not a Christian.  To me, it proves that the media shows are not news shows but cater to the investors who buy add time.  An 8/18 article on OTUS "On the trail he pivots directly from defining his record on Medicare to laying out a withering indictment of Obamacare’s “$716 billion in Medicare cuts”.
Ryan actually endorsed the same cuts in his signature budget plan, the same plan Romney has said he would sign if he became president.
Ryan says he was forced to build his plan on those cuts because they were signed into law and he had to base his plan off of what was already current law. The $716 billion in cuts do not affect benefits for today’s seniors. Instead, they reduce provider reimbursements and curb waste, fraud and abuse."

On August 13, AlterNet wrote an article which asks:  "

Romney's Campaign Strategy: Lie, Lie, and Lie Some More -- Can Democracy Survive with 0% Media Accountability?

"The Romney camp is boldly lying because they are making a calculation that it will work! We better hope it doesn't."

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Elizabeth  Warren, sunning for Massachusetts state senator has an add which she ends by saying, "Washington needs to get is priorities straight.  Indeed it does.Tea Partiers are mixing religion with values for all Americans and trying to make laws based on their faith.  The Evangelicals think we should all be protestant and that this is, after all, a Protestant country.  Wrong again!

What ever happened to the patriotism we all had during WWII when we were proud of our dedication to our country and its Allies.  We are not proud of our country's leaders any more and, thus, it feels we are not proud of our country.  I am proud of our President though it pains me to hear the Republican lies about how little they think he has accomplished when they were vocal about their obstructing everything for which he stood in trying to help the middle class and poor class in so much need.

Romney has no sense of people's need or he would not have made such a fool of himself by saying that those who want to go to college should just ask their parents for $20,000.Does he realize that some families have several children and make not more than that per year for income?

Citizens need to realize that more people do not believe in organized religion.  They have integrity, morals, patriotism and care for their fellow human beings.  No one religion holds those values as their own.  Even atheists and agnostics care for their country, go to battle and die for it, and send their children to battle for it.  Why are we being hostage to religion when our founders specifically said we were free to be in any religion we choose but it is not to conflict with our government and how it is run..