Sunday, August 19, 2012


Elizabeth  Warren, sunning for Massachusetts state senator has an add which she ends by saying, "Washington needs to get is priorities straight.  Indeed it does.Tea Partiers are mixing religion with values for all Americans and trying to make laws based on their faith.  The Evangelicals think we should all be protestant and that this is, after all, a Protestant country.  Wrong again!

What ever happened to the patriotism we all had during WWII when we were proud of our dedication to our country and its Allies.  We are not proud of our country's leaders any more and, thus, it feels we are not proud of our country.  I am proud of our President though it pains me to hear the Republican lies about how little they think he has accomplished when they were vocal about their obstructing everything for which he stood in trying to help the middle class and poor class in so much need.

Romney has no sense of people's need or he would not have made such a fool of himself by saying that those who want to go to college should just ask their parents for $20,000.Does he realize that some families have several children and make not more than that per year for income?

Citizens need to realize that more people do not believe in organized religion.  They have integrity, morals, patriotism and care for their fellow human beings.  No one religion holds those values as their own.  Even atheists and agnostics care for their country, go to battle and die for it, and send their children to battle for it.  Why are we being hostage to religion when our founders specifically said we were free to be in any religion we choose but it is not to conflict with our government and how it is run..

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