Friday, October 3, 2008


Despite the apparent wish of the media to see more action or a TKO, the debate was somewhat benign and predictable. In my opinion, Biden won hands-down. However, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and those willing to assume charm is worth more than substance saw it differently than I did. Biden smiled a beautiful, white, toothful smile at some of Palins remarks and attacks but only spoke to correct the inaccuracy of some of Palin's reflections on the Obama positions.

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, saw Palin realistically while Pat Buchanan, MSNBC, thought Palin did a wonderful job and won the debate. He could hardly stop raving about it. Rachel Maddow seemed to get it right when she said you could choose Biden (boring and right) or Palin (exciting and wrong). Catty Kay on the BBC thought that McCain needed more tonight from Palin than charm. She added that, because of the way the poll numbers are running currently, this might not have gone well for McCain. The woman rarely answered the question that was asked, often changed the subject to refer back to something she was more comfortable answering, usually to say what she had done as Mayor of that tiny town or as Governor of the 600,00+ people of that 'big state' of Alaska. She totally lacked substance in her answers. David Gregory, MSNBC, thought Palin had a game plan to which she stuck but did not add that she was particularly successful. Chris Matthews took issue with her saying she thought the powers of the Vice President should be expanded and read her as not planning to play by the rules. CNN offered focus group's responses which seemed to be a strong preference for Obama. One woman, who I had understood to be an independent going in, decided she liked what Palin had to say. The woman looked like a deer caught in the headlights, spoke slowly and seemed to have difficulty getting out her thoughts, so I was not clear on what part of Palin's responses she was using to change or solidy her vote.

Biden offered much historical data and did not bite at Palin's attempts to unseat him with her homespun darts. Her cutesy, raised voice at the beginning, asking if she could call Biden Joe, started her attempt to convince everyone that she, more than Biden, would be for six-pack Joe and middle America. However, on the substantive issues, she follows McCain who follows Bush.
Biden defined the job of the VP as one in which he follows the lead of the President and acts as an adviser, influencing the Legislature only when a tie needs to be broken. Palin expressed that she would be more engaged with the Legislature, seeming not to understand the Constitution on this matter any more than Cheney had, with Bush allowing himself to be led by the nose by 'Big Dick'.

Palin, at one point, said she did not have to compromise much and did not care who got credit in her state. (She is obviously able to speak constantly of all she has done as Mayor and, later, Governor). Biden quoted Mike Mansfield, an early mentor to him. Mansfield taught him to never question motive, only judgments. Biden matched Palin emotionally about single parenting, sadness, and losses which Palin glossed over with no hint of empathy then tried to make her own unrelated point.

To me, Biden answered questions quickly, concisely, and did not play games. Palin skirted answering the questions, chose to make her own political speech instead, and never answered a question as to how McCain would effect change. She only expressed where she thought change was needed. She spouted the Bush/McCain party line throughout and I saw eight more years of Bush policym if she and MCain get to the White House, with panic in my heart.

1 comment:

drwelts said...

Are we scared of Palin? You betcha..Ya know, I gotta tell ya that when an airhead like her, someone who interprets a plan for a measured withdrawal from eyerack as "waving the white flag of surrender" is given even the slightest chance of having access to the codes that launch nookuler weapons I am frightened to my core and Montreal looks better and better. The rest of the world must believe that all Americans, or at least 50 % of them, are total idiots..Perhaps they are correct.