Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Tonight I listened to journalist Charles Blow comment that people do not like Romney.  They will vote for him because they dislike Romney.  It fit with my experience in talking with people who planned to vote for Romney, as well.  How tragic that people allow their hatred and biases to risk the future of our country and their own best interests.

The truth of this opinion rests with the realization that Romney is not even backed by his own party.  Of course, the Mormon Church stand to gain a great deal if they can get their man in the White House.  Is that one of the secrets for his not giving up his tax returns; just how much he has given to the Church rather than his country?

There is no reason for him not to release his tax returns unless he has something to hide.  Even without having his tax returns, we know quite a bit about this man.  Bain Capital was never there to create jobs in the United States.  Its main purpose was to make profit and he proved he could do that very well.  What he cannot prove is that (despite blowhard Limbaugh';s statement that he was Nation Building while President Obama was then talking drugs and gliding easily through school because of his status as a black man.  The great tragedy of our day are that there enough ignorant people who believe that he could be elected (in a blind choice) as Editor of the Harvard Law Journal.

If I knew a God to pray to, I would ask that we not be allowed to fall into the Romney pit.  He is irrelevant to the process.  As Reed pointed out, 17 old, white men will celebrate if Romney gets in as they will have bought the country.  Grover Norquist made it clear that he will do what he is told and only needs to be able to sign his name.  He has changed on every other issue, he may start signing as Willard instead of Mitt so he can harder to spot in history.

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