Monday, October 24, 2011


There has been powerful earthquake in Turkey, over a fault which has not had such an earthquake for ten years. Al Jazeera  has a moving film clip on just how bad it is both in destruction but in the failure of Turkey to prepare itself.

More people live over a fault and are unaware of it or are in complete denial about it.  Understandably, most are unable to pack up and move elsewhere.  Those who live where tornadoes are common, Asians who live with monsoons and tsunamis as well as earthquakes, the Bahamas , Florida and East Coast of the US who have hurricanes, and so many other places known for their natural disasters, can not afford to move and would not be able to choose a place that would guarantee their safety.  Indeed, such a place may allow you a life of freedom from a weather disaster, a volcano eruption, an earthquake, a meteor strike and some of the biggies, but it cannot keep you safe from random acts of violence and bad luck of being in the wrong  place at the wrong time.

Religious people will explain it as 'God's will'.  Those more mathematically leaning would describe it in terms of random chance.  The conclusion one must draw is that you make the best educated guess you can make and live or die with the consequences.

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