Sunday, October 14, 2012


After the Biden/Ryan debate, the tweeters got to work.  Twitter came alive and the BBC captured enough to make your head spin.  I could not do this justice by writing solely my opinions.

You  must read their article on this.  Click here.  Now you can well understand why the undecided can't make up their minds if the rely on several few sources.  I suppose it is easier for Republicans to just follow Fox News and Rush Limbaugh...hassle free since they get few truths and wouldn't follow Fox if they didn't already know the lies they want confirmed.  I had a Jehovah's Witness tell me the other day that Evolution is only a theory.  Akin thinks that women have a secret something in their vaginas that turns toxic to a rapist's sperm,  Listen long enough and there is nothing you won't hear.  You can find the kind of truth that Bernie Madoff sold all over this campaign.  Fact checkers no longer trust one another.


Frank J. Lhota said...

This blog often complains about Fox News feeds the right's confirmation bias. But isn't the left subject to confirmation bias as well, using outlets such as Alternet and MSNBC? During the Republican convention, Canadian blogger Karl Gotthardt (who is no fan of Gov. Romney) denounced the bias in the MSNBC coverage of this event:

IMO both Fox News and MSNBC exhibit bias. On the other hand, these networks can be informative as long as you keep their bias in mind. After all, The Nation has a left wing bias, and the National Review has a similar tilt to the right. Would you categorize the readers of these venerable magazines as uninformed?

My recommendation is to listen to what both the left and the right have to say, but take both with a grain of salt. Of course, the right is incorrect to caricature liberals as elitist Marxist hippies. But that does not make the leftist caricature of conservatives as uneducated bible-thumping neanderthals any more accurate.

Yiayia said...

Frank, I must have worded something inaccurately. Of course I take things with a grain of the point that my arteries are hardening. I should not have talked biases, I should have talked FOX lies. I know no other political channel where the pundits acts like the current Republican lock step.
I do try to get opposing views and do not limit myself to those who agree with me. However, one needs some reality once in a while!