Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Mitch McConnell
It was shocking that a man in McConnell's position would make such a childish remark...that if Warren Buffett thinks he should pay more, why doesn't he?  Does he really believe that the issue is solved by one or two people who earn as Buffett did last year, 46,000,000 million dollars for 2010, paying their fair share of tax?  The man insults most intelligent voters and only points out that he is blind to the country's needs he swore to protect; he has been in power too long and totally changed proper priorities..

Since it has been made very clear that the Republicans will not raise taxes and will resist the Obama jobs bill, Obama has made it clear he will take the issue to the voters directly, if he must. 

Read an article on the clash between Obama and the Republicans on what they are trying to obfuscate the issue of catering to the rich by claiming the Democrats are making 'class warfare'.

"When you pick one area of the economy and you say, we're going to tax those people because most people are not those people, that's class warfare," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on CNN.  Senator Graham, who often makes sense, has his head in the sand if he doesn't see Republican politics are forcing the middle class to become extinct in our country.  Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC calls the whole subject of class warfare a 'bogus debate'., to which I agree. 

Once again, I raise the question of 'treason' if legislators are forced to vote by pledge to Grover Norquist, someone not elected by voters to represent them.  The legislator voted in  has taken an oath to represent the constituency who voted him into office.  He is not voted  to be a proxy for someone outside Congress.

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