Monday, September 19, 2011


Osama  bin Laden was not alone in trying to destroy our country. The Bush administration kept the country frightened and angry by his use of divisive techniques.  Lives were being lost in a war believed by most of the country to have been built on lies, later proven.

Would a Perry v. Obama Contest Be a Confederacy v. Union Rematch?
was written by Adele M Stan and published in AlterNet.  When one of our states still insists on flying the Confederate flag, we are assure3d that the divide between the North and the South has been fostered by many, shamefully in the name of religion, whose interest is not first in their country.

 A post on divisiveness can be seen by clicking here.

In 1996, the Dornan Roundtable discussed divisiveness. While not a new issue in our country, the past cannot be changed but our future must be focused on current divisiveness as an issue.  We must not be allowed to throw up the welfare of so many of unemployed, below the poverty line of income, ill, and vulnerable people for the greed of the top few in the 1% that is trying to take over control of the country,.,,and currently doing a great job with the help of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor and members influential on the media.

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