Friday, September 23, 2011


It has been my understanding that the judicial process has the onus of proving someone guilty, not that the accused must prove his innocence. Georgia has executed a man about whom no proof has been sure.  To kill a human being under those circumstances makes the USA not above the animal kingdom. Not only was a likely innocent man executed (murdered by the elected and appointed officials, he was killed by an illegal drug, as I have been led to believe.Cilck here for the entire article

I am so ashamed of our country and the Supreme Court for allowing this.  Clearly sin is not punished by the God believed in by the people who backed the execution. One can only be left to guess what goes through their minds.

I'm even more ashamed of the method used.  Not only are the proper drugs for a lethal injection unavailable in the US but Georgia has gone to Europe to buy a drug that is used to put down animals.  Is that a proper respect for any of us as humans.  What would it feel like to be wrongly accused by your country, to spend 22 years in prison, anhd finally be put to sleep when you know you are innocent as an animal would be put down.

Click here for the New York Times statement about this atrocity. 

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