Monday, August 27, 2007

Having talented grandchildren is a real plus in life

Bloggers have to believe they have something to say that would be of interest to others, otherwise they would just privately keep a journal for themselves. Perhaps they also have to be opinionated, which doesn't mean they have to be rigid in their opinions, just that they have to make up their minds as to what they believe.

My granddaughter taught me to set up this blog and got me started. Once shown things, I can then run with them. Hence todays title.

All my life I have been told to 'act my age'. This is useless to say to someone. Once, on a TV news broadcast, I watched a mother of a 4 year old little girl (who was dancing gaily in a store, being spirited and happy) told to "act your age". I was vastly amused as I thought of this mother expecting a four year old to know how she was supposed to be at a given age. Then I thought of my own behaviors. I don't 'act' like most friends who are my age, for the most part, either. No one ever taught me what behaviors were supposed be as the years passed. Even if they had, I probably wouldn't have followed their directions, anyway. Consequently, most of my interests remain what they have been for several years. I don't sit sedately, I speak loudly and sometimes with profanity, and I like change. No subject is taboo in my mind, unless it would be embarrassing or hurtful to another.

So, henceforth, on this blog, I will try to act my age.


Matt said...

i love the layout! it looks so good.

Yiayia said...

We'll see how often I can keep it updated...that's where the blogger's challenge lies. ; )

Lisa and Jaclyn said...

Hi YiaYia!
You were born to blog! And you are very lucky to have a talented Granddaughter like Julie - she is an icon in the blogosphere!

weltsie said...

i'm so happy you contacted me with your new blog! i've always loved your writing and look forward to getting to read more here! love you.