Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How does religion help people?

When will the world realize that a religion can be anything in our current world. In the past there were few explanations for what happens in life, how it happens, and why it happens. Religion was used to explain all this, made up by men, to fit their fantasies, delusions, or as ways to control people and achieve power over masses.

If one can establish a religion, it automatically becomes tax-free. This also spells great power. The Vatican has amassed enormous power through money, treasures, and it constantly violates the American rule of not mixing church and state. Austin Cline writes: Churches, however, tend to benefit the most from the various tax exemptions available, in particular because they qualify for many of them automatically, whereas non-religious groups have to go through a more complicated application and approval process. Non-religious groups also have to be more accountable for where their money goes, while churches, in order to avoid possibly excessive entanglements between church and state, do not have to submit financial disclosure statements.

The Unification Church, owns the Washington Times.

From petty local scams to international money-laundering, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s political/media/business/religious empire has all the looks of a global “ongoing criminal enterprise,” albeit one with enough powerful friends in Washington to protect it from serious consequences. Where does religion

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