Sunday, September 16, 2007

The thickening wall between rich and poor

Corporate power has become too great. Even when people want to stand up to its greed, the economy of the masses make it almost impossible. Most people need the 'bargains' of Walmart to stretch their small paychecks, to allow them to live. Thus they continue to buy Chinese goods, and from other sweat shops and child labor abusers in other countries, as well. While we all would like to eat organically grown foods, buy American goods, we can't afford it, or they are no longer available here, while corporations are downgrading our quality of life to fatten up their CEOs. They don't care about anyone else who works for them, it would seem. Even the stockholders get a very small portion of what is left after the rape from the CEOs

Minimum wage earners live below the poverty level. This seems of little consequence unless you happen to be one of them. According to recent statistics the number equals the assumed number of illegal immigrants in our country, thus doubling the 13 million person figure to at least 26 million persons.

We seem to be nearing 300 million population, if everyone here is counted. Meanwhile our Senate and Congress are bogged down with fighting whether some of them are gay or how to quit ourselves of the stone of Iraq around our necks. Bush wants to pass the responsibility of that disaster to his successor. Sad times, indeed. However, on a more positive note, the US still enjoys many advantages, though they are fading fast and it is hard to note them as compared to other industrial countries of today.

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