Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hospitals are supposed to be places to make you well. Many question that today, with toxic cleaners being used and fast food being served. When you visit the next person in the hospital, or, God forbid, you are in one yourself, notice how many times your nurses or other medical personnel who touch you, wash their hands between patients.

Even hospitals are writing about the lack of safety offered their patients. Gone are the days when your doctor took total charge of you health and records. Today you need to manage your own health care. I cringe when patients tell me they don't know what medicines they are taking or have taken. They tell me their doctor has the records. I ask if they are sure the doctor's records can't be burned in a fire or that they will keep the same doctor to their death. (Fat chance of that in today's world...they are lucky if they get to see the same person for long.)

The lesson here is similar to the one I saw in the sign behind the desk in a hospital once" "Pick up after yourself; your mother doesn't work here." One might say something similar: "You can do a lot to take care of yourself; don't expect the medical profession to do it all for you."

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