Saturday, December 22, 2007


After writing that I had stopped Christmas letters I heard from some who yearly send me their own and I was afraid they would withhold theirs because of what I wrote. I was referring strictly to my own, which I considered pretty dull from year to year, as: "I am still doing *****", "I still attend****", "My hobbies still are ****", "I'm getting older****", etc.

I especially love to hear from former patients of mine. It is like keeping track of extended family. Through the years I have watched families grow, children losing their baby teeth, the braces stage, and ultimately becoming figurative swans. If any ever read this blog, please keep those letters's only mine I want stopped!! I have practiced psychotherapy for so long now that it is a joy to be seeing the children of patients I had in the past. I'm a known commodity who also saves time for them because the history part can largely be skipped...I already know their family history.

One of the most unexpected Christmas gifts I could have received has been hearing from people who have taken the time to write about how much they have enjoyed reading my blog when they can. I bumped into a friend, of 41 years, today in a store whom I have not seen for quite some time. He told me he tries to check the blog when he can and how much he has enjoyed what he has read of it. I felt like the kid that sang "All I want for Christmas is my two front teef, my two front teef...." and got them. Browsing through one of my many Christmas Carol books, I found one new to me: THE ONLY THING I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS (Is Just to Keep the Things I've Got.) It brought tears to my eyes as I said to myself, "But that should be MY song"! Life is far less stressful when you don't want more luxuries, more junk for the label it wears, a replacement for the newest model of everything you own, but just enough to keep life a happy one. I've learned that doesn't take a lot for me. A kind word and a bit of praise really goes such a long way!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I've toldyou that I truly enjoy the blog. I check it everytime I do my email. I told Bernice and Penny about it also.
Don't have time to write letters either.