Saturday, January 12, 2008


The media has become more than ridiculous. The real journalists are gone, only to show up for brief moments, almost as afterthoughts as Tom Brokaw came on after the New Hampshire primaries. There are few entertainer/journalists left whom I can watch and respect. Keith Olbermann is one of the few to speak up to the administration as well as to entertainer/journalists. Do people forget that almost everything, including committed crimes, is frequently on videotape.

YouTube is one of the best things to happen to dampen people's penchant for rewriting history. Fox News, changing a transcript for history is laughable. If anyone doubts that Big Brother of 1984 is really here, stop doubting. It is laughable that it is claimed that evidence was lost because the FBI didn't pay its bills, or failed to pay them on time while breaking the law by taping private conversations.

Mistakes can happen. After all, all humans are fallible, even those who think they have a direct pipeline to God. It would be more comforting to believe that much of the media is making simple mistakes, but intelligent people, given all the evidence otherwise, would be making an error of their own to believe that. It is very interesting that Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard Editor, knew so definitely that Senator Clinton was faking tears in New Hampshire. What does that say about his own readiness to do whatever, say whatever, it takes to prove his point.

Too many people I know think their own lives of denial are more important than informing themselves as fully as our media and news sources permits. I suggest that, even as adults, we still have lots of daily homework to do.

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