Thursday, January 31, 2008


I am amused by the hubrus shown by some of Obama's followers. They says the Clintons are making it a racial issue. His 'people' say Hillary is playing the race card. Why don't they suggest Obama stop making speeches in public and videos that certainly make him look black if he isn't; or doethey think only the white half should be addressed? My long ago deceased mother used to hold her finger up in front of her face when something was obvious and we were hiding it. She would say, "You can't see me. I am hiding behind my finger."

Why should race or color be an issue at all. It is because we clearly are not a country with similar values at all. Men don't trust a woman to be in charge, it runs against generations of their grain and machismo. Some whites still believe they are superior to blacks even though the black candidate may be so far superior to them in all major criteria.. Obama says we should not choose someone who will pit the Republicans against the Democrats but one who will unite them. At the moment the red and blue states are oil and water. The last eight years has solidified the schism. This country is severely divided as I have not seen it so before. People no longer trust authority. Why should race or color be an issue at all. It is because we clearly are not a country with similar values at all.

If ANYONE votes Democratic, they will be voting for change. We will all self-destruct if we don't vote for someone who will bring change. What is it that says Hillary won't bring change. What makes Obama think that saying he is a uniter is any more real than when George W said it. Unless my memory has distorted the past, he was going to bring morality and integrity to the White House. Hasn't anyone not learned that campaign speeches by charismatic people mean nothing? Look at people's records, not their words. An old Greek proverb says, "Do not listen to an old man's flatulence, listen to his words." Are the people listening capable of making that distinction?

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