Wednesday, April 30, 2008


A couple of days ago I wrote about Elizabeth Aston's books as sequels to the Jane Austen series. The first one I read, Mr Darcy's Daughters, did not compare to Jane Austen's work. However, though I didn't read the next in the sequence in which it had been written, it stood on its own. This book was The True Darcy Spirit. The author has captured the Austen style totally. It kept me wanting to keep reading and not put the book down until I was done though I couldn't quite manage that. However, I was through with it before the day was over while many tasks were put off until tomorrow.

For all the Austen fans who might read it, while written in our current time, the story takes place around 1830 in London. It is exciting, the characters are built up in a much more effective manner than Elizabeth Aston's first book after Austen, Mr Darcy's Daughters. (see Yiayia Online 4/26/08)

As a personal reading experience, I would rate The True Darcy Spirit right up in pleasure, anticipation, anxious moments, surprises and acceptance as quite equal. I cannot assure that Aston's books will survive two centuries as Austen's have, but for me, they are at present, sheer ecstasy reading. For those of us still romantic, it also is nice to read of a period (though purely misogynistic) had integrity and pride as important to many people of all least that is the books' focus.

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