Tuesday, April 8, 2008


How Lethally Stupid Can One Country Be? This is a must read article by David Michael Green. There is one fallacy in the delivery. The writer asks how a country with the capacity to choose can have allowed this to happen. We, as a nation of individuals, lost our capacity to choose under the brainwashing we have experienced in the past few years. We need to look no further to understand how this works than to the FDLS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, a controversial Mormon fundamentalist polygamous sect.) For anyone who wishes a powerful autobiographical account of being raised in the sect and finally getting out of it, I suggest that you read Carolyn Jessups' book, Escape. There are many more examples to be found onthe destruction of human individuals and free thinkers due to brain washing. The saddest part is that people having their brains washed rarely ever know it is happening to them because they are kept clean of any inputs which might change the message. Our government has forbidden truths to be known. They have brainwashed through two techniques: Keeping people in line with fear; keeping people ignorant of the truth. That is the basic structure to brainwashing.

We the People of the United States were being brain washed by Bush, Sr and Jr though that is the only thing Junior ever did better than Senior ( probably because he had more sociopathic helpers). If you are able to read the first article, then try a second, which has less anger in the writing and adds more history to the narrative, which you can even hear should you prefer it to reading. Actually, our country and history books have been brainwashing us for more than a century. The slow erosion of our democracy is not new, but just as the world has speeded up everything, technology, global warming, so has the destruction of our democracy been speeded up.

All empires eventually fall: "Akkad, Sumeria, Babylonia, Ninevah, Assyria, Persia, Macedonia, Greece, Carthage, Rome, Mali, Songhai, Mongonl, Tokugawaw, Gupta, Khmer, Hapbsburg, Inca, Aztec, Spanish, Dutch, Ottoman, Austrian, French, British, Soviet, you name them, they all fell, and most within a few hundred years. The reasons are not really complex. An empire is a kind of state system that inevitably makes the same mistakes simply by the nature of its imperial structure and inevitably fails because of its size, complexity, territorial reach, stratification, heterogeneity, domination, hierarchy, and inequalities." (from the linked article by Kirkpatrick Sale).

The formula for failure is set but we would be able to prevent it being stirred into completion if people would listen and believe it will happen.
We must not 'stay the course', not only as Bush tells us to do in Iraq, but also here on home turf. We would be on the slide downhill to our own destruction as a country. We need to attend to all the priorities at home that have been discussed by all three candidates, weigh them as to outcome, and start planning to bring America back to its former state of integrity, ethics, separation of Church and state, investment in better education for all children, work on updating the infrastructure of the country, and we must go back to valuing our best resource....our legal citizens and making plans to take care of them first! We need to stop pretending we can be altruistic and charitable with our tax money. Our own people need it more than many of the countries to whom we are sending it. We need to stop the politics of self-service to politicians, pork projects to keep them in office, no-bid contracts and business as usual by the lobbyists who have big corporations to serve, not the country as a whole..

In conclusion, we need to stop listening to the least knowledgeable, least patient, least capable of empirical-thinking citizens and start running the country differently. We need to bring the Constitution into the 21st Century just as the Bible needs to be brought to date by those who choose to live by it.

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