Friday, May 23, 2008


Sadly, the day has come when all I want to do is hide from the world. I love my country, but feel no kinship or loyalty to the people currently ruining and destroying it. Apparently no one listened to Osama bin Laden who said he would break the economy of the US as he did Russia in the 90s. I can see Putin smiling at the stupidity with which our leaders went into the same battle, too smug to bother to look at history.

I, for one, chose to believe bin Laden and watched him do exactly as he said he would do. When I listen to those who swallowed the Bush/Cheney rhetoric..."we fight them over there so that we don't have to fight them here" I am nauseated at the obvious mental blindness of those who first said it and those who believe it today.

If, as it seems likely, Obama makes it to Presidency, I believe that people will be angry at him rather quickly because there is no way a human being can fight the entrenched evil system set up in Washington and maintained by the media and others and make significant changes with the speed that will be demanded. Everyone seems to be seeing him as the Messiah who has come to rescue the country. Alas, he is only a very well-educated, bright mortal who will be criticized as was Nancy Pelosi , unable to make rapid changes because there were not enough Democratic votes to be had when Bush was promising to veto anything that came into the Oval office.

Hopefully Obama will not be fighting the House and Senate but the dark forces will untie everywhere...commerce, the Market, people who want to continue the US cash cow they have suckled from for the past eight years, the lobbyists, CEO's, the super rich, and all the rest who care little about the fact that the country is dying before their eyes (that is if their eyes were open).

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