Saturday, May 10, 2008


The 'morality' police in the US do anything but enhance morality. All they do is drive 'immorality', by their definitions picked out of the air, underground. Warning: In good conscience, I must point out that entering the Wired magazine links on the site shows extremely graphic material, likely not what most grandmothers or sexually squeamish would want to watch. The Wired article itself in not objectionable. In the meanwhile, do check out the link that follows by the Japanese. The Japanese, are bringing porno back to the open public where people have the right to participate or not.

In 2003, the US Congress passed a law to tighten domain names that were meant to mislead people into porn sites. I do believe that misleading people should be stopped. In March 2007, the law was quashed when the courts decided that it deprived too many people of the rights to free speech while attempting to protect the few.

A demonstration of the perversion of some of the government officials with regard to their priorities to keep the public safe; it was not terrorism, organized crime, narcotics trafficking, immigration, or public corruption it was! pornography. Is there any wonder that such clear evidence that those running the country the past few years are totally out of step with the real issues that confront us as adults trying to survive in the US today.

While I abhor mysogynistic and sadistic pornography on a personal level and do not feel a need to frequent pornographic sites (which many of my male friends report often drop little nasties on one's computer) I strongly support the right to it for those for whom it is as helpful as sitting in church listening to a Hell and Damnation sermon. I abhor that there are some self-defined righteous people who think they can dictate what others must think and feel.

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