Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The Greek Island of Lesbos, with its 100,000 inhabitants, is upset about the confusion caused by their being called Lesbians (which they are) and the homosexual (which they are not) connotation given the name in the rest of the world. For an article on the subject by Malcolm Brabant, by BBC News, you can read all about it. Names matter a lot in business, as well. Xerox didn't like their name being used universally for all copy on all products not their own. It didn't matter, people still say, "Oh, can I Xerox this?" Google got all out of joint when people took their name and turned it into a verb, as in "Just Google xxxx." Lawsuits don't seem to touch these matters once the steam roller has been set to 'Go'.

The third commandment is is usually understood as a prohibition against using God's name in profanity or even in a callous manner. ""You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." Two states are suing over illegal use of Legal Aid.

For those who take the right to free speech too literally...nothing in life is totally free.

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