Monday, June 9, 2008


One of the insulting comments being written is "Clinton dons a brave face and ends her Presidential bid." The image continues to describe her as someone pretending. 'dons a brave face' smacks to me as the comments made when she teared in NH as the self-proclaimed pundits debated over whether the tears and emotion was faked, with many claiming they were crocodile tears. Such nerve!

She shared my own sentiments..."Every moment spent in looking back is a moment wasted for looking forward." Bret Hume says it is all about Obama and whether the US is ready to elect a black man. Republican leaning Fox channel quickly shut off any positive sounding statement about Obama when their token middle-of-the-road (Juan Williams) panelist spoke in any positive way about him.

It is interesting to watch the political talk shows in sequence. None of them can ever admit that they have no idea what is going to happen. William Kristol talked about his reading of the political map and was quickly contradicted by Chris Wallace saying he will believe Karl Rove over any conclusions Kristol would draw.

Chris Wallace went on to show clips pf commencement speakers from all genres whom he desribed as the 'power players of the week'. A. K Rowling spoke about changing the view of millions, not just yourself. Vice President Cheney mentioned feeling jealous of the cadets to whom he was speaking because, after all, they will have a job after eight months! Somehow it will be of interest to see if he retires to a rocker on his Wyoming porch, which seems most unlikely.

While Stephanopoulos had Diane Feinstein on his show saying all the things we have heard repeated for a couple of days on every news talk show. Russert had Jim Webb, a far better choice for discussing issues about which he has some direct knowledge rather than playing guessing games.

Again on Tim Russert with Michael
Duffy, editor Time Magazine, and E.J. Dionne, writer and Washington Post journalist, Russert asks what did Hillary do to lose. What was forgotten was what Obama did to political talk media, Tim Russert, win. He had a message that appealed to more people. I cannot refrain from pointing out the negativity towards her from the press, but no one can ever put it together and say she ran a bad campaign just because Obama won. This country is far too hung up on winners and losers and Monday morning quarter-backing. Hillary Clinton is an amazing woman and will not quit clawing her way out of the trap men would have her in. She will help Obama because her entire past history demonstrates her commitment to making this a better country for people to live a better quality of health, education, family life.

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