Thursday, June 12, 2008


Having discovered that there are now somewhere about 50 books written as sequels to Austen's books, I have been concentrating on those specifically after PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. Currently I am reading the 10th book written in the style of Austen. However, this one, Mr Darcy Takes a Wife, goes further into the physical aspects of marriage than Jane Austen ever experienced or could write about herself. The cover reads: Hold on to you bonnets! This sexy, epic, hilarious, poignant and romantic sequel to Pride and Prejudice goes far beyond Jane Austen. The cover further describes telling the tale we always wanted to the Darcy's lived happily ever after....

While most readers can imagine much more, this book requires little imagination. The Chicago Tribune describes it as a "breezy, satisfying romance" The youngest sister, Lydia, whose marriage at 16, youngest and first to marry of the five Bennett daughters, decides it is her duty to prepare the older two for their upcoming wedding nights and the consummation of their marriages. Lydia tells her older sisters: "Your husband's manly instrument will swell big and red and hard and angry and enormous....." running out of adjectives at this point. She continues, "And when he first puts it up your nonny-nonny it will be with such force as to render you prostrate with ecstasy and pain." The reader can quickly realize that we have departed from the Jane Austen experience. We have slipped into a more titillating description of what might have happened that Austen would not have put onto paper but you, the reader, can make your own mind up about whether it fills in that blank of what happened after they got married!

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