Saturday, July 26, 2008


"Legalization and support of sex work can open the door to helping the sex/adult industry become safer and healthier for sex workers." --KaeLyn, Feministe She writes further: "Feminism has a love/hate relationship with sex. The "Feminist Sex Wars" rage on and not just between second and third-wavers. I once spent an evening at a hole-in-the-wall strip club with a 20-something friend fiercely debating her anti-pornography/anti-prostitution position. We spent half an hour of that night talking with a dancer, a young single mom and the only woman-of-color on the floor. She said it was better than working at a grocery store; she made more money and didn't have to pay for day care. How could I blame her? It was naive and classist for us to engage her in this conversation, but I was in college and didn't know how stupid I was being. This also happened to be the night I bought my first vibrator, with that same friend, at a sleazy adult store in Syracuse, NY. Long story short is that I became passionate about the rights of sex workers and people that work in the sex/adult industry and began a more intelligent and articulate study of why I felt so compelled to defend pornography, prostitution, women's sexual pleasure, and my own sexual desires." See the entire article.

Refraining myself from pointing you to other porn sites, at your own risk, check out by a Google search, women in porn. Since anyone under age can do that, I would not some of the younger set to be watching least not before they can speak the body parts!

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