Wednesday, September 10, 2008


All 22 countries om a BBC World Service poll would prefer Democratic candidate, Barack Obama to be the US president, ahead of his Republican rival, John McCain. Obama was favored by a 4 to 1 margin across the 22,500 people polled.

In 17 of the 22 countries surveyed, the most common view was that America's relations with the rest of the world would improve under a President Obama. Even Al-Jazeera talks to Howard Zinn, author and American historian, social critic and activist about how the Iraqi war damaged attitudes toward the US and why the US "empire" is close to collapse. He believes that any hope, if there is any, lies with the American people.

Rice hosted an Iftar reception for writers and diplomats from Muslin countries. Rice said:

“For hundreds of years, people of all faiths and people of no faith at all have come to the United States to live by these principles, and we have welcomed them. We welcome them still. Every individual who embraces the rights and responsibilities of citizenship makes America more American.

“ Our belief in the universal liberties of every human being is also what leads our country into the world, not to impose our will or our ways on others, certainly not because we believe ourselves to be perfect. We are anything but perfect. But those imperfections lead us to believe that in the pursuit of a more democratic future, we are doing the work that humanity deserves and desires.”

Unfortunately as is with many teenagers, the ideology of the current US administration does not match its behavior. Needless to say, these inconguities do not escape the rest of the world now that it has the Internet and TV. If anyone has taken a cab in a foreign country, the ride will yield the impression of others to the US. For several years, the BBC findings have been consistent with my polling of cab drivers in London, usually from Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and other countries, primarily Muslim.

On Sarah Palin from the web, 9/8/08.

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