Monday, September 15, 2008


Reasons why Sarah Palin is unfit to lead the country:

1. She is vindictive. She fired a Democrat librarian when she would not ban a book from the library at Palin's request. She is harassing her ex-brother-in-law and will not allow State employees to provide information to the investigators. She may be taking a page from Bush but she cannot plead executive privilege here.

2. She would rather keep children ignorant of the dangers of sexual predators or premature and uninformed sexual behavior than allow them to be taught safety. Even abstinence did not work in her own family unit. This suggests she doesn't learn from her own mistakes.

3. She believes that the US military in Iraq is on a mission from God. She seems not to understand separation of Church and State. She also seems not to have studied much about the three branches of government and the Constitution. Some of her statements make me wonder if she differentiates the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

4. The rules of her office and the oath taken to uphold them seem not to matter.

As The Hill reports, "Governor Palin has ... opposed a crucial clean water initiative."

Alaska's KTUU explains: "It is against the law for the governor to officially advocate for or against a ballot measure; however, Palin took what she calls 'personal privilege' to discuss one of this year's most contentious initiatives."

Palin said, "Let me take my governor's hat off just for a minute here and tell you, personally, Prop. 4 -- I vote no on that." And what is that? A state initiative that would have banned metal mines from discharging pollution into salmon streams.

She also approved legislation that let oil and gas companies nearly triple the amount of toxic waste they can dump into Cook Inlet, an important fishery. It looks like being an avid outdoorsperson doesn't mean Palin really has the health of watersheds, natural resources or our environment at heart.

5. She does not believe in abortion for anyone in an unwanted pregnancy whether in throes of passion, failure of contraceptives to work, rape, or incest. She relents slightly if the life of the mother is in danger. Statstics suggest 25% of rapes in Alaska result in unwanted pregnancies to refrain from mentioning other serious consequences.

6. While she claims to be against earmarks, her actions exclude her from her own determination. However, later, she accepted the Federal money that was intended for the Bridge and put it to other uses. The rest of the country's taxpayers footed the bill.

7. Her ignorance of science is reflected in that she doesn't believe in Evolution and wants Creationism taught in schools. That is another indication of her poor boundaries between religion being forced on others, and lack of understanding separation of Church and State.

8. Sarah Palin is in favor of off-shore drilling. If you Google: 'Palin on offshore drilling', you will get 485,000 hits. Take your pick of any one. Environmentalists can only weep if that comes to pass. Her killing from the air and preference for killing animals should teach most people how little she truly values life. Are not animals also God's creatures?

9. Sarah Palin is totally uniformed about regulatory agencies findings. She is in favor of nuclear power. Even the U.S. government's own nuclear agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, thinks an atomic renaissance is a bad idea: Delivered by one of America's most notoriously docile agencies, the NRC's warning essentially says: that all cost estimates for new nuclear reactors -- and all licensing and construction schedules -- are completely up for grabs and have no reliable basis in fact. Thus any comparisons between future atomic reactors and renewable technologies are moot at best.

10. Her statement at the Convention about not going to Washington to please the media but to work for the American people shows how little she understands that, barracuda though she may have been on a basketball court, when she is let loose in the Washington fish tank of media and other political pirahnas, she will find out that she is not yet equipped for political and governing prime time. Unless, she is being picked as another Right Wing puppet, which is more than likely, as they have grown to like that in the past 8 years with the strings they have been able to pull on Bush.

We need a President whose mind and body are youthful and healthy. Absent that, we need a Vice President who will be able to take office immediately, if called upon. Sarah Palin cannot be that person. Her lack of training for that position makes a mockery of the office. Can we really depend on the drooling men who think she is HOT or the women who admire her because she can do her job as governor with fewer people than in the entire state of Rhode Island, while breast feeding? Can she credibly represent the United States to a world already disillusioned by our heads of State and who expect more than sound bites from an American Vice President who might become President?

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