Sunday, September 21, 2008


Kos leads once again with what was apparent to those of us who kept faith that the majority of the American public would be discerning enough to understand that Palin is not worthy of the position of Vice President, let alone be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Having five children, nor being a hockey Mom, is not what bothers those who are against seeing her get the job. Seeing (as banners read at protests in Alaska about her) Palin is GW Bush with a skirt on; she is Bush with lipstick does frighten. That so many are not frightened is even more frightening than Palin. I can little imagine what they are seeing for the future of America.

Markos Moulitsas, otherwise know as Kos, writes that media began to explore and view her: "She is a liar with theocratic tendencies, sports an intellect that makes Bush look like a Mensa member, and features an obvious fondness for Cheney-style abuses of power. And that's not even the worst of it."

If you would like to get daily figures on polls, go to this site. For more on the inaccuracies in McCain's campaign uttered by Palin, go to this site.

Let's all drink a toast to the end of the RNC/Palin boost. It would be comforting to see the majority of Americans think for themselves, given facts, not from biases and brainwashing.

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