Tuesday, September 23, 2008


To be a Republican must make one very proud to hear two obviously thoughtful intellectuals discuss Palin more deeply than most of the rest of us, who have failed to recognize how much she brings to the campaign.

Despite the evidence in favor of Palin (that she is hot; that she was mayor and later governor of a state with fewer people than Rhode Island) , there are some who have not as yet seen the reasons for her to quite likely become President if McCain is elected. Matt Damon is one of them and well-worth listening to a 'liberal' who doesn't see the Republican 'truths'. That she does, as someone who thinks the dinosaurs were here on earth 4000 years ago and will, as VP-later President have the nuclear codes, frighten him, oddly. Yet, admirably, as evidence of their greater security about the stability of our Administration by Republicans, it seems not to frighten any of the Republicans who, having run the country to the ground so brilliantly in the past eight years, think they continue at greater speed with Palin/McCain at the helm.

For those of you who don't know what a VPILF is, look it up on Urban Dictionary. Substitute Vice President for Mother and you will subsequently be able to feel the pride of what she adds to the Republican platform and the Republican voters find so appealing about her. It should make all of us flattered to be part of the voting public. It confirms our pride in our country for the past eight years, though the jealous world outside seems to see us quite differently. Their view is difficult to understand because we have saved them from Al Qaeda, which might have invaded Iraq and taken their oil, and we have knocked the money situation of the world to utter chaos so they, too, will have economic challenges (always a fun game). But apparently they have no sense of humor in the rest of the world as we have here in the US. At least, as those of us have who still have jobs, a roof over our heads, hope for the future of our lives and education of our children (oh dear, the numbers in that group seem to be going down so fast as I write this), medical insurance, and a local shelter we can count on occasionally so that we don't freeze to death, (saving the police having to pick up bodies in the morning), and occasionally some food, courtesy of the people who didn't want it.

Yes, we in the middle and lower class (is there a difference now?) of the US have much for which to be thankful. We should thank God for helping us for giving us the opportunity to make the rich people richer, for deregulation which allowed CEOs to earn up to 30,000 times the salary of the average worker, thus adding to our recreational pleasure so that we can stand on shore and watch their beautiful yachts sail or motor by. We can enjoy the creativity of the jewelers who make the $100,000 diamond-studded pet collars for pampered pets, while Sarah Palin continues to kill off the wild life that might endanger those little furry, diamond encrusted darlings. We can be happy that we do not have to defend ourselves against the painful jealousy shown by the rest of the world, now that we have been able to rid ourselves of anything they could envy.

Have we hit rock bottom yet?

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