Sunday, September 7, 2008


The factors that persuade the poor and middle class in America who vote for McCain puzzles me. Their religious-faith influence is, without doubt, a major factor. One has only to drive through the red states to know their radio offerings are extremely limited to Republic politics and religious lectures. McCain is telling blacks, and others, who do not normally vote Republican, that he will not forget them. If any believe him, will they not question why he is finally noting their existence? These are not the people who have received tax cuts, they struggle to keep a roof over their heads and buy the bare necessities, not doing well with that in the current economy. I shudder and get infuriated when I read sites like BLOGS FOR VICTO(R)Y. The poor often cannot afford newspapers or have the time to read them. They listen to the radio which gets piped into public places. I even heard, two years ago, the religious right on radio at Logan Airport in Boston, with horror as my visceral response.

The very poor do not own stocks or read about current economic trends with involvement or understanding. they don't travel or deal with foreign currency to realize how low the dollar has sunk. They do not understand medicine, other than what a doctor (if they can afford to see one) tells them, "Eat balanced meals, get plenty of sleep, stay stress free, don't smoke or drink alcohol.....". These are people who may not even have enough time with a doctor to hear that message. They rarely have medical insurance unless they are 'fortunate' enough to be disabled, then get Medicaid. The definition of 'fortunate' in that case has to be qualified.

The poor rarely understand the significance of the destructive health behaviors to which they adhere because generations of their family lived that way, though most have died young.

Most of the poor have learned that you can only tighten your belt so far before your navel touches your spine. To make a dollar go further for food they tend to eat more starches, pastas, beans and potatoes, than meat. They gain a puffy weight which gives the appearance of overeating.

Do they question what he can possibly suggest now, that he hasn't brought up in the past eight years, and if so, why not? Or, do they just get caught up in the mob mentality of the RNC Convention and believe the lies they are told in a sort of mass hypnosis and hysteria. Will people learn that only anyone can be President if they work hard enough, are intellectually gifted enough, and prepare themselves for the job?

1 comment:

T-Dawg said...

Like all good mysteries, this one is not complete until it is solved. I too want to know why anyone making less than $5 million a year would vote Republican.

Did you know that every dollar GWB received in campaign contributions translated to $75,000 worth of tax reduction?