Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The other day someone spoke of attending a Sexual Harassment Workshop. I asked if he was learning new harassing techniques, as in, "Are you the harasser or the harassee?" and got a surprised look followed by a frown. When patients, as a few have said over the years, "When I committed suicide....." Logic compels me to let them know they must then be dead. That usually precipitates a somewhat confused look.

Has anyone ever offered to 'make you some eggs' for breakfast? That would be a great trick, even if the offer came from the chicken herself.

While I love it that today men are more involved with their wife's pregnancy, birthing and raising of children...I still want to laugh myself silly when I hear couples say 'We're pregnant." I want to say, "Buddy, when is your due date?"

Whether this is as prevalent in other parts of the country or not, I chuckle when I hear myself referred to as 'youse'. 'With you' becomes 'Witcha', related to 'gotcha', I guess.

However, most annoying to me are the people who substitute a noun for a verb, as in those who say, "I have poison ivy and I have to itch myself." Do those people, if they have a pet cat, buy them a scratching post...or do they continue to hunt for an itching post? Nevertheless, to the dismay of the company, Google, we still say "I will google it and let you know what I find." We still tend to 'xerox' though copy is not difficult to say. We blow our noses in 'Kleenex', regardless of the tissue brand we happen to be using.

But the real credit for making things clear should go to the Urban Dictionary, though the words may not last as long as people.

1 comment:

chris said...

A favorite of mine is, "...whahappind?" (exclaimed with a look of great confusion).
Also, I've found it very dangerous to say things like, "I'd love to have you for dinner some night".

Life is Good...Chris