Wednesday, November 5, 2008


At last, that which we have felt angst about for so long has finally resolved. We have a President Elect who is thinking about the country, not only about his own win. We have 'reality thinking' back in the White House, though the previous administration trashed our economy, our reputation in the world, our military, and almost (but not quite) our spirit and patriotism.

It was wonderful to see the racial mix on the stage as President-Elect Obama delivered his victory speech. What the Civil War failed to do, a majority of the country did. Finally, the good guys outnumber the haters, the splitters, the divisive ones, the sore losers, the greedy politicians, the liars who have raped our country!

A large per cent of the country will be unhappy by the results of the election. They may feel as some of us felt when "W" 'stole' the last two elections. Perhaps we can all now work towards unity and compassion for the country that is left so in debt, so picked clean of educational opportunities, infrastructure, so loaded with debt, full of joblessness and hopelessness for so many, left so ashamed of our government by its violation of the Geneva Convention and our Constitution. It will take a long time for all of us to heal, but if we look carefully, there is now a light to be seen at the end of a very long tunnel. We need only to suffer through a couple more months in which 'W' may continue to do damage, since he knows so little else.

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