Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The Republicans are beginning (Pat Buchanan being one of the loudest), to say , "Where is the change? The people being appointed are just more of the same." Of course they are more apt to be Democrats. Does it really take rocket scientist's IQ to figure that one out? Is Obama supposed to fill it with the Republicans who made such a wreck out of the country? Or, should Obama be expected to pull people off the street, so to speak, as McCain did in choosing the ill-equipped-for-prime-time Palin.

Nevertheless, bringing Lieberman back into the fold gives them the potential of one more vote for the you suppose Lieberman would really do that? His more recent few years show how he voted against abortion and funding.He may be a Democrat but he certainly doesn't seem to embrace the same issues most other Democrats do. He seems to be far more a wolf in sheep's clothing, a fox in the hen house.

Senator Ted Stevens, soon to be ex-Sen Stevens, was finally beaten by his Democratic opponent. Apparently there are still some smart people in Alaska, though I believe all these last votes were mail-ins. The smart ones must have gotten out? Ted Stevens sounds like Boston's ex-Mayor Curley who gave to the poor and tool (for himself) from the rich.

For those who feared the news would get dull after the election...I doubt it ever will.

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