Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We in the United States do not have as much symbolism about shaming and insulting. The shoe-hurling Iraqi journalist has become a folk hero for many in Iraq. In an article in the NY Times, Timothy Williams wrote: "In Saudi Arabia, a newspaper reported that a man had offered $10 million to buy just one of what has almost certainly become the world’s most famous pair of black dress shoes."

Further: "A daughter of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, reportedly awarded the shoe thrower, Muntader al-Zaidi, a 29-year-old journalist, a medal of courage."

Bush took shoes being thrown at him, while he ducked the incredibly accurate aim of the thrower, as being a benign expression of feelings. He still believes we have done a service to the Iraqis and is under the illusion (or perhaps delusion) that the war has been an American victory.

For those who were out to lunch when the news has been repeated in an endless loop, look at it here. Be sure to watch and hear the whole piece, as Bush brushes it off as what happens in a 'free society', not the usual description I have heard about Iraq and certainly not what it seems to be as the law is calling for several years in prison for this man's act.

That the President's black suits didn't rise until after the second shoe had been thrown, and then only slowly, has been the reason for the question as to how much protection Bush really enjoys. In 36 more days, we will no longer have to listen to his revisionist history, or may we more accurately call them his lies? With the perfect recall the media has in its data bases and the ability to search so quickly to find exactly what disproves current statements, one might have thought Bush would have caught on, that is if he really remembered what he had said in the past as the journalists seem to do. (Actually, they get the network step-and-fetch-its to search the archives and in short order, voila, they have the truth....or at least what he claimed to be the truth when he spoke earlier.)

More from the Times article: "As Mr. Bush was speaking, Mr. Zaidi rose abruptly from about 12 feet away, reared his right arm and fired a shoe at the president’s head while shouting in Arabic: “This is a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog!” "

"Mr. Bush deftly ducked and the shoe narrowly missed him. A few seconds later, the journalist tossed his other shoe, again with great force, this time shouting, “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq!” Again, the shoe sailed over the president’s head." It should be noted, it sailed over Bush's head only because Bush was very good at ducking.

It boggles my mind how Bush can believe that the Iraqi people can really enjoy a liberated feeling when they are so far away from Saddam Hussein and have suffered so much more since then. Muntader al-Zaidi's second shoe statement seems to say it all and is being rejoiced through the Arab world. Of some small amount of comfort is that it seems clear to even the Arabs that Bush did not represent the American people. They are much more perceptive than some of our Republican stalwarts in the US.

The process of mopping up the mess he leaves behind will take a very long time after those 36 days are over.


Julie Q said...

Gus was talking about that this morning saying that Bush should pardon the guy, out of respect to the War and what a mess he's made.

Yiayia said...

Nice thought, but when has Bush showed respect for anyone? If Bush is pushing democracy and free speech, he should lean on the Iraqis to pardon the guy, though, IMHO